your safety is imgortanttous. To r_ the riskof fire,electricalshock injuryto
persons or damage when using your vacuum cleaner,fr_Llowbasic safety precau-
t_s irmlulinjthe following:
Read thismanualb_fore assembli_cr
usin9ycurvacuum cleaner°
manu_i.Use only with Sears recommended
To reclinetkeriikcfe_ic_l i_ck- Do
not use outchorsor cn wet surfaces_
Disconnect electricalsupplybeforeservJc-
iuzor cleani_cutbrush a_m. Failme tocb
so_ _ult inele_ic_l _3ck crhrush
_lways bxn c_ ofifh_foreccnnectin9 or
disc_in_ the hose or POWER.-MATET_..
Always_rn _'off befo_ _1_o
Do not umplu_by p_ cn a:mt To tmp!u_,
g_sp th_plug,nstth_cc_do
Hold plug when re_kii_ cr_ocard_elo
n_tallowpl_ to whipwhenrewi_.
Do not usewithc_ cordorplugo
dsmer ismt wcrkin_asitskuld,h_sbern
dreW, da_, leftoutioors,or drq_
intowab_r,ISl_nittoa SeersService
Do not gillcre_rryby cord,use cordasa
handle,clcsedrr m c_xd,c_p_llcc_d
auxnflsharpec_ orcorrexs._ notrun
cleanerowr cc_d,Keep cord away fircm
DO not l_svecleare_whenplu_ in,
L_luZ fromcutlet_-_m not inuse and
Do not aIbwtobe _ed as a toy,Close
atte_ is_y whenusedby orrear
DO not _enlepbmjor cleanerwithwe
Do not q__ratethecleanerwitha p_lred
hose_ q_e h_e o_ electricslw_
R£plac_ifcutor wcrn AvoidpickinZ up
Do not p_£ any objectsintocp_.
Do not use withany opmlh_ bkck£d; kaep
f_ c£d_t,lint,hizaJ_y_hin3_a_m_y
Keep hsir,Iccs_dcthi_, fi_, aJall
p_rtsofhcd!awayfrcmc_s andmov-
Always ch_ the dusthag aftervacuum-
in9 carpetciearersor freshener,p_wders
andfinedust°_hesepro_ts clogthe bag,
a_w and can causethe bag to
b_m_ Faiiur_to ck_m3ebag crm!dcause
[zer_t d=_age tO the cleaner.
Do not useth_c_ topickup sharph_md
cbjects, _ toys, pfr_, lm__r, _ They
may d_ the clea__ror dustbag,
Do not _ck up any_dir_tlmtisbu_nirgc_
sm_ki_, suchas cic_ttes, _mtches,c[h:t
Do not use _'to pick up flsmnab]e cr
combumble ( amr ,cmm fMm,
perfumes,etc_),mr useinatlas_ they
may he present_The fumesflrm these sub-
_n _ a firehazardorexplo-
Use extracarewhenclearirr3 cn stairs° D o
rotputon ch_, t_b_s,_ K_p m flo_.
You are r_s_ibl_for nmkin3 sure that
ycurv_ clearerJs rDt used by anyone
Proper assemblyandsafeusecf ycurva_ cleanerare yourms;crsihilit_oYcurclea_er
is i_ cnlyfor h3us_id use_PaadthisOwner's Manu_lom_fullyfor importan£use and
s_f_tyi_fc_aticn__ £_fi_ec_ safetystatementsunderw_rningand cautionsymh31s,
Pleasepay _ aht_ to th_seboxesa_ fdbw anyirstru_ given°WARNING
statsrentsalertycuto suchd___s as fire,e_icsl sh=ck,burrsa_d_ injuryoCAU-
TION sta_s alertycu to suchdar_ as _ injuryand/orp!r_ty damage°