Before You Call For Service
Problem Possible Cause What to do
No Powo;',
Afuse inyour home may Replacefuse orresetcircuit breaker,
ba blownor _a dtcuit
Power surge_
Unptugthew}necooler,wafta few
ascends and then plugIt backin
Plugnot fullyInsertedtnto Make surethe 3*pang ptugon the
wall ouUet wlne cooler ts fullyinsertedIntoat|tier
Cabinet Temperature Temperaturesetting
too High
Vod_ thetempomtu_'ocontrolso|Ung,
adjustif heccessary,
Doer(e) not shut propedy
or openedexcosslve{y
Ensurethatthedoomera tullydosed
end thatthe gasket_am t_ealthg,
againstthe criblno_,Open the doors
onlyas neededand forshort per_edt_
of time,
Condensation on thg
cabthet endJer doora
in|odor _ghtBtoggled on The Interior lightsate intended for
temperarylightingof coblnots for
disptaypurposesonly, Thoyare not
intendedto beiofion for prolonged
time peflede
ExhauBtvent_sob.tmcted Vafltythere_snothingbleck_ngthe
frontmounted ox.heuslthgvenL
Recenilyadded e large
quantity of warm be|ties
|o the cabinet
Limit thequantity of warm bottles
being introduced to the cab}nat at the
sametime, Aiiemptto phase inthe
load tn_redudJoni! possible,(Ie Iced
no mer_ than 6 warmbe_es at once-.
3 par compartment)
Highhumidity conditions The condensation witfsubside once
in the homo humid{t/conditionsmtum to nermef
Doer(e)oat shut properly Ensure that the doors are fuUydoS_J
at openedexcegslvaly and thatthe gasketsareaea_ag,
againstthe cabinets,Openthe doom
only as needed end for short pcdede
of t!mo.
if none of the above rectify the sltuaUon please contact our customer care department
at1-800-26oDanby" (t.8o0.26_2629)