Vmac A500208 Installation guide

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    What is the torque value for 1/4 inch fasteners?
Installation Manual for VMAC
AC Shore Power for Multifunction Power Systems
Battery Blanket and Trickle Charger
VMAC - Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
VMAC Technicl Support: 888-241-2289
VMAC Knowledge Bse: www.kb.vmcir.com
Table of Contents
Sfety .........................................................................3
Generl Informtion ...........................................................4
Multifunction Power System A/C Shore Power Connection Overview ...........6
VMAC - Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
VMAC Technicl Support: 888-241-2289
VMAC Knowledge Bse: www.kb.vmcir.com
Document: 1901099
Chnges nd Revisions
Revision Revision Details Revised by
Checked by
Eng. Tech. Qual.
Mech. Elec.
A Initil Relese MSP NAC N/A GB AWG 3 Aug 2018
Additional Application Information
AC shore power for Multifunction Power Systems
Important Information
The informtion in this mnul is intended for certified VMAC delers who hve
been trined in instlltion nd service procedures nd/or for nyone with
mechnicl trde certifiction who hve the tools nd equipment to properly nd
sfely perform the service. Do not ttempt this service without the pproprite
mechnicl trining, knowledge nd experience.
Follow ll sfety precutions for mechnicl work. Any fbriction for correct fit in
modified vehicles must follow industry stndrd “best prctices.
Copyright © 2018 VMAC Globl Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved. These
mterils re provided by VMAC for informtionl purposes only, without
representtion or wrrnty of ny kind, nd VMAC shll not be lible for errors
or omissions with respect to the mterils. The only wrrnties for VMAC
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Printed in Canada
Registered Trademarks
All trdemrks mentioned in this mnul re the property of their respective
owners. VMAC’s use of mnufcturers’ trdemrks in this mnul is for
identifiction of the products only nd does not imply ny ffilition to, or
endorsement of sid compnies.
VMAC - Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
VMAC Technicl Support: 888-241-2289
VMAC Knowledge Bse: www.kb.vmcir.com
Important Safety Notice
The informtion contined in this mnul is bsed on sound engineering principles,
reserch, extensive field experience nd technicl informtion. Informtion
is constntly chnging with the ddition of new models, ssemblies, service
techniques nd running OEM chnges. If  discrepncy is found in this mnul,
contct VMAC Technicl Support prior to inititing or proceeding with instlltion,
service or repir. Current informtion my clrify the issue. Anyone with knowledge
of such discrepncies, who proceeds to perform service nd repir, ssumes ll
Only proven service procedures re recommended. Anyone who deprts from the
specific instructions provided in this mnul must first ssure tht their sfety nd
tht of others is not being compromised, nd tht there will be no dverse effects
on the opertionl sfety or performnce of the equipment.
VMAC will not be held responsible for ny libility, consequentil dmges, injuries,
loss or dmge to individuls or to equipment s  result of the filure of nyone
to properly dhere to the procedures set out in this mnul or stndrd sfety
Sfety should be the first considertion when performing ny service opertions.
If there re ny questions concerning the procedures in this mnul, or more
informtion is required, plese contct VMAC Technicl Support prior to beginning
Safety Messages
This mnul contins vrious wrnings, cutions nd notices tht must be
observed to reduce the risk of personl injury during instlltion, service or repir
nd the possibility tht improper instlltion, service or repir my dmge the
equipment or render it unsfe.
This symbol is used to call attention to instructions concerning
personal safety. Watch for this symbol; it points out important
safety precautions, it means, “Attention, become alert! Your
personal safety is involved”. Read the message that follows and
be aware of the possibility of personal injury or death. As it is
impossible to warn of every conceivable hazard, common sense and
industry standard safety practices must be observed.
This symbol is used to call attention to instructions on a specific
procedure that if not followed may damage or reduce the useful life
of the compressor or other equipment.
This symbol is used to call attention to additional instructions or
special emphasis on a specific procedure.
VMAC - Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
VMAC Technicl Support: 888-241-2289
VMAC Knowledge Bse: www.kb.vmcir.com
General Information
Before Starting
Red this mnul prior to beginning the instlltion to ensure fmilirity with the
components nd how they will fit on the system. Identify ny vritions
(i.e. different engine models, specific instructions for prticulr pplictions, etc.) in
this mnul to ensure the correct instructions re used for the ppliction.
Ordering Parts
To order prts, contct  VMAC deler. The deler will sk for the VMAC seril
number, prt number, description nd quntity. Locte the nerest deler online t
www.vmcir.com/deler-loctor or cll 1-877-912-6605.
VMAC - Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
VMAC Technicl Support: 888-241-2289
VMAC Knowledge Bse: www.kb.vmcir.com
Special Tools Required
Torque Specifications
All fsteners must be torqued to specifictions. Use mnufcturers’ torque vlues
for OEM fsteners.
The torque vlues supplied below in Tble 1 re intended for VMAC supplied
components, or for use in the bsence of  torque vlue provided by the OEM.
Apply Loctite 242 (blue) or equivalent on all engine-mounted fasteners. Torque
vlues re with Loctite pplied unless otherwise specified.
Standard Grade 8 National Coarse Thread
Size (in) 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4
Foot pounds (ft•lb) 9 18 35 55 80 110 170 280
Newton meter (N•m) 12 24 47 74 108 149 230 379
Standard Grade 8 National Fine Thread
Size (in) 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4
Foot pounds (ft•lb) 40 60 90 180 320
Newton meter (N•m) 54 81 122 244 434
Metric Class 10.9
Size (mm) M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16
Foot pounds (ft•lb) 4.5 19 41 69 104 174
Newton meter (N•m) 6 25 55 93 141 236
Table 1 Torque Table
VMAC - Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
VMAC Technicl Support: 888-241-2289
VMAC Knowledge Bse: www.kb.vmcir.com
Multifunction Power System
A/C Shore Power Connection Overview
Figure 1 Wiring schematic
Power System
Service Body
Service Body Cabinet
Control Box
The schematic in Figure 1 is provided as a general reference.
Ø 1 in gland for
cable routing
Battery blanket
extension cord
Male A/C
plug for
shore power
A/C cable
Rear of service body
(Passenger side)
VMAC - Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
VMAC Technicl Support: 888-241-2289
VMAC Knowledge Bse: www.kb.vmcir.com
Mount the trickle charger using either the supplied bolts and nuts or 3/16 in
rivets (Figure 1).
Instll the A/C receptcle box in the service body cbinet using the supplied
3/16 in rivets (Figure 1).
Prior to mounting the A/C receptcle into the receptcle box, instll the
supplied #6-32 nuts onto the 2 mounting screws hnd tight, then bck them off
3/4 turn (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Prepare receptacle for mounting
VMAC - Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
VMAC Technicl Support: 888-241-2289
VMAC Knowledge Bse: www.kb.vmcir.com
888-241-2289 tech@vmcir.com
877-740-3202 wrrnty@vmcir.com
www.vmcir.com www.kb.vmcir.com
1333 Kipp Rod, Nnimo, B.C., V9X 1R3 Cnd
Manufactured by