1. General Information about MobileNavigator for iPhone
1.1 What is NAVIGON MobileNavigator for iPhone?
The MobileNavigator is a navigation-app from NAVIGON. Using this software,
iPhone users can navigate with their smart phones. With new features and
updates, NAVIGON strives to constantly improve the software.
1.1. In which App Stores is the MobileNavigator for iPhone available?
Depending on the map content of the app, it is available in almost all iTunes App
Stores. Furthermore, the European Regional versions are being offered in their
respective European App Stores.
1.2. Which countries are available as maps for MobileNavigator?
Aside from Germany, Austria and Switzerland the software is available with maps
of France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Portugal. In addition,
maps of the Scandinavian countries such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark,
Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg are also available.
In the European version, the map material consists of 40 European countries.
NAVIGON also offers MobileNavigator apps for the USA, Canada, Australia, South
Africa, Russia, Turkey, Mexico and the Gulf region.
1.3. In which languages is the MobileNavigator software for iPhone available?
The MobileNavigator is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,
Portuguese and Russian.
Further languages available are Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Greek,
Hungarian, Dutch, Czech, Polish and Turkish. Depending on the region, American