ProperUseof Detergent
Use ()I/l} detergent Sl)eci(ically made/[)r use ill dislm_M_ers.
Casca&, _ Cascadd +Complet_ and EI_ctmsol _':Automatic Dishwashing
I)et_ rg-ents hint b(en apt)ro_(d lot use in all GE dislmashers. Keep
}ro[Ir deterseAt ti'esh and dry. Don't put t)owder deterSeAt into the
dispenser until you're ready to wash dishes.
The amom/t of detergent to use depends on whether }star water is
hard or soft. With hard water you need extra detergent. With sott
wate+; }_o/1lleed less detel:g+ellt.
Protect _)ur dishes and dishwasher b} contacting _r()[_: _v_ter
department and asking how hatxt }x)ur water is. "I\velve or motx'
groins is extremely hatx/water. A water so/teneT is recommended.
Without it, lime can build up in tile x+v_terval_e, which could stick
\qlile open and cause flooding. "Ibo much detergent with so/i water
can cause a t)ermanent cloudiness of glassware, called etching.
'_im'll thid two detergent cups on tile inside door ot your dishw_tshel:
D)r POTS a PANS, HEAVY WASH and NORMAL WASH, till both ctq)s.
For LIGHT WASH, fill only the Main Wash cup. Close tile Main V_lsh
('/lt) befolx' closing tilt' dishwasher door. _\hen ttsJllg atltoi/latk
dislmashing detergent tabs, simply place one roll in tile main _ash
Pro Wash open cup ,= _ , ,=
Fillto,AULTRAAlinewhenusing _ FilltoAREGULARAlieewhenusing
ukraorconcentrateddishwashing standarddishwashingdetergent.
Main Wash covered cup _ Fillto,AREGULARAlinewhenusing
FilltoAULTRAAlinewhenusing | MAINWASH _ standarddishwashingdetergent.
detergent. IL _ Toopenthemainwashcover
ForgettoAdd a Dish?
A torgotten dish can be added all'v' time beIore the main wash.
CAUTION:Do not ellen the door m/til the _r_{_: St)_I_ a(tion StOl)S.
Water may splash out of the ,:tishwashel:,hthedoo,"toi,,te,','.t,t v, t_,,'_ottel, she*
::: the e+( le. +
tO l'elat eh+
wafel7 sp£_l} a( tioll stoi/s. Ste_/i//
ma} rise out of the (/ish'_ashel: