Aspen Snow Cool
Aspen Snow CoolAspen Snow Cool
Aspen Snow Cool
Rigid Media
Rigid MediaRigid Media
Rigid Media
WARNING: To avoid electrical shock, disconnect power to your cooler before
installing or servicing the pad.
NOTE: Aspen Snow Cool Rigid Media is constructed with two differing angles
for water and airflow.
The Aspen Snow Cool Rigid Media is made up of alternating sheets with two
different angles. When the media is installed properly, the 45° angle slopes
down toward the air entering side of the media as shown in the diagram. Failure
to install media properly may lead to reduced performance and water carry-over
into the dry section of the cooler.
NOTE: There may be a slight odor noticed during the initial start-up following
installation of this pad. The odor will disappear within the first few days of
operation if bleed-off is used.