AUTOFRY Model MTI-40E Installation and Operations Manual
Starting The AUTOFRY
1. Close and lock the main door
2. Press the ON key at the keypad.
• The left side keypad controls the left side oil vat.
• The right side keypad controls the right side oil vat.
If the oil fails to heat within 2 Minutes, Press the OFF key, wait ten seconds then
repeat. If the display ready A05, Press the OFF key then repeat.
If the display reads Sft, Press the OFF key. Ensure that all filters and the filter
cover plate have been installed. Ensure that the exhaust vent, located at the top of
the AUTOFRYis not blocked.
During Start-Up
• The display at the keypads will read current oil temperature and the RED
°WAIT light will be illuminated.
• The exhaust blowers will run as long as oil temperature is at or above 120°
Gradually the oil will heat to the ready temperature. This will take
approximately 10 minutes.
• At 340 degrees the GREEN °READY light will illuminate; however, it is
advisable to wait until the oil temperature has reached 350° F before cooking.
Start-Up Hints:
• The AUTOFRY Model MTI-40E has a large cold zone. The cold zone
functions to extend oil life and prevent food particles from burning should they
fall below the food baskets.
• During initial start-up with new shortening you may want to shut the
AUTOFRY OFF and drain and filter the oil to "stir" the oil in the cold zone.
• If the oil is not drained and filtered there may be some oil temperature
"Recovery" during the first 5-10 cook-cycles.
• The AUTOFRY Model MTI-40E is equipped with automatic re-set high limit
thermostats. These thermostats may trip during start-up if the display reads
A05 or A08, simply press the OFF button at both keypads, drain and filter the
The thermostats must cool 50 degrees to re-set. By filtering the oil you
will allow the thermostats to air cool.
• Re-start the AUTOFRY by pressing the ON button.
MTI Form DB-0002 REV. 3/97 UL File #E167654 12