Chapter 1 – Introduction and Description
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. RF550VPN User Guide 7
RouteFinder Documentation
The Quick Start Guide
The Quick Start Guide is a shorter version of this User Guide. It is included in printed form with your
RF550VPN. Both guides are intended to be used by systems administrators and network managers.
They provide the necessary information for a qualified person to unpack, cable, and configure the
device for proper operation.
This User Guide
The User Guide can be installed from the CD by clicking Install Manuals on the Installation screen or
downloading the file from our Web site at: http://www.multitech.com
Save or Print the User Guide
Once the User Guide is displayed on screen using Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can save the .pdf
file to your system or print a copy.
Setup Examples and Other Helpful Documents
There are five reference documents to help you setup and use your RF550VPN.
These reference guides are located on the CD that accompanies your RouteFinder and also on
the Multi-Tech Web site.
A Description of the Reference Guides:
1. Setup Examples for the RF550VPN - Document Number S000258C
The four examples show:
· A LAN-to-LAN VPN configuration between two RF550VPNs. One at Site A and one at Site
B. Both RouteFinders use static IP address at their WAN port gateways.
· A LAN-to-LAN VPN configuration between an RF550VPNs at Site A that uses a static IP
through its WAN port and an RF550VPN at Site B that uses a dynamic IP address through
its WAN port.
· A LAN-to-LAN VPN configuration between an RF550VPN at Site A that uses a static IP
address at the WAN port and an RF550VPN at Site B that uses dynamic IP addressing
through a modem connected to the serial port.
· A Client-to-LAN configuration between an RF550VPN at Site A and an SSH IPSec Client.
Each example includes a diagram, a summary chart of input values, an address table you can use
to keep track of your values, and explanations of the Web interface screens.
2. RF550VPN Using a NAT Box with an IPSec Pass-Through - Document Number S000259B
The two example show:
· AN SSH Sentinel IPSec client behind a NAT box doing IPSec Pass-Through to an
· An RF550VPN behind a NAT box doing IPSec Pass-Through to another RF550VPN.
3. RF550VPN File Sharing Across VPN - Document Number S000260B
4. Configuring IPSec Tunneling in Windows XP or 2000 and Connecting to an RF550VPN -
Document Number S000261C.
5. Advanced Settings - five examples - Document Number S000268B