JANOME 202-464-008 Operating instructions

  • I've reviewed the Janome bulletin about the Bias Tape Guide and Belt Loop Folder attachment for CoverPro models. This attachment serves dual purposes, functioning as a bias tape guide and a belt loop folder, with instructions on its correct setup and usage. I'm ready to answer any questions you may have about this accessory.
  • What are the two ways this attachment can be used?
    What size bias tape is suitable for the Bias Tape Guide?
    What size fabric strips are needed for the Belt Loop Folder?
Instead of bias tape, can also use ribbons of
around the same width. Enjoy creating
decorative knit works!
If the seam line seems out of alignment,
adjust the Bias Tape Guide position by
loosening the attachment screws.
JTM-1078 15 September 2021
Bias Tape Guide and Belt Loop Folder
For CoverPro Models
After making a long belt loop, cut it to the
appropriate length for each piece.
Poi nt 1
Attach the attachment to the 2 holes on the
front right of the CoverPro Models with the
attachment screws (standard accessories).
Poi nt 2
Bias Tape Guide Belt Loop Folder
How to adjust Bias Tape Guide on
the CoverPro Models
Ti ps
This attachment can be used in two ways:
as a Bias Tape Guide" that can guide
bias tape (single fold) and sew it on to
knit fabric, and as a Belt Loop Folder
that can make belt loops from fabric tape.
This attachment is useful for creating
various types of sewing work.
* Fold back the edge of the 1” (25mm) fabric
tape to form a ¼” (6mm) fold and iron it.
Set the attachment
properly to the machine
as shown above.
Set the attachment
properly to the machine
as shown above.
* It is easier to use with the
Extra Wide Table
#795812008 (Optional Item)
De corate your
Poi nt 1
Single fold ½” (12.7 mm) wide bias
tape can be easily attached to knit
fabric for decoration
Pa rt No. 202-464-008
Attach the attachment to the 2 holes on the
front left of the CoverPro Models with the
attachment screws (standard accessories).
Poi nt 2 /16(11 mm) wide belt loops can
be easily made from 1” (25 mm)
wide strips of fabric
If the seam line seems out of alignment,
adjust the Belt Loop Folder position by
loosening the attachment screws.
* Medium-heavy fabrics (10 oz denim or
chino cloth, etc.) are recommended
Ti ps How to adjust Belt Loop Folder on
the CoverPro Models
St itch pattern:
*C o verPro 900CPX:
C over stitch Wide 5 mm
To p cover stitch Wide 6 mm
C over stitch Wide 6 mm