Table of Contents
POCKETRAK W24 Reference Manual
Table of Contents
1 Starting Up.................................. 4
Part names and functions ................................. 4
Front, side and back panels.................................... 4
Remote control ...................................................... 7
LCD screen ............................................................ 8
2 Recording .................................... 9
Recording with an external microphone.......... 9
Recording from an external audio device
(such as a CD player) ................................... 10
3 Recording Settings.................... 12
Using a preset or custom recording scene ..... 12
Selecting a recording scene.................................. 12
ecording with the selected recording scene
.. 13
Modifying the recording scene settings......... 13
Changing the Recording mode
(Selecting a sound quality) .......................... 16
Changing Recording mode .................................. 16
Turning the ALC (Auto Level Control)
on and off..................................................... 17
Setting the microphone sensitivity
(MIC SENS)................................................... 17
Setting the recording EQ (equalizer) ............. 18
About recording EQ options................................. 18
Selecting a recording EQ option........................... 19
Customizing the recording EQ ............................. 20
Setting the recording peak limiter ................. 21
Setting the High Pass Filter (HPF) .................. 21
Setting the recording peak hold indication ... 21
VAS (Voice Activated System) recording ....... 22
Setting the voice sensing level (VAS value) ........... 22
Setting the Auto Divide function
(AUTO DIVIDE)............................................. 23
Recording with the self timer ......................... 24
Changing the LED setting............................... 25
4 Playback .................................... 26
Playing files ..................................................... 26
Playing back tracks from the Playlist .............. 27
Indicators displayed during playback.................... 27
Fast forwarding and fast reversing................. 28
Using headphones .......................................... 28
5 Playback Settings.......................29
Changing the playback speed ........................ 29
Playing back specific sections of a track......... 30
Using the Skip playback function.......................... 30
Using the A-B Repeat playback function ............... 31
Using the Phrase playback function ...................... 31
Playing back the same track repeatedly......... 32
Locating a playback position by time
(Time Search function) ................................ 33
Setting the sound EQ (equalizer) ................... 34
About the sound EQ options ................................ 34
Selecting a sound EQ option ................................ 35
Customizing the sound EQ option........................ 36
6 Using the Tuner Function ..........37
Tuning your musical instrument..................... 37
Calibrating the standard pitch ....................... 37
Using the Metronome Function
Using the metronome..................................... 38
Setting the metronome tempo (speed) ......... 38
Setting the metronome beats ........................ 39
Playing the metronome during recording ..... 39
8 Editing Files................................40
Dividing files.................................................... 40
Using the fade in and fade out effects ........... 42
Applying the fade in effect ................................... 42
Applying the fade out effect ................................. 43
Inserting and deleting index marks................ 43
Inserting index marks ........................................... 43
Deleting index marks............................................ 43
Using the Playlist function
(available only for the MUSIC folder).......... 44
Assigning the folder and files to a Playlist (P1–5)... 44
Changing the playback sequence in a Playlist
(P1–5)............................................................... 45
Removing a file from a Playlist (P1–5)............ 45
Removing all files from a Playlist (P1–5) ........ 46