Acrobat 3D Javascript Tutorial
Animation Control
Updated: 3/26/2008 I 1.5
How to use the rest of the script...
Sets the speed of the animation playback relative to the default speed but doesn’t start playback.
Note: To play an animation in reverse, use setPlayForward(false) instead of setPlaySpeed(-1)
speed < 1: Animation is played slower than it’s default speed
speed = 1: Animation is played at it’s default speed (default)
speed > 1
: Animation is played faster than it’s default speed
Sets how smoothly the animation will transition from being stopped (at the beginning) to full
speed (middle) to stopped again (at the end).
Note: any value 0 and above is valid, but anything above 10 is fairly similar
smooth = 0
: No smoothing (linear speed)
smooth = 1
: Partial smoothing(half linear, half cosine wave) (default)
smooth = 10: Full smoothing (animation speed follows cosine wave)
Note: ere are get functions for most of the above parameters, i.e. getPlaySpeed(), getSmoothness(), getPingPong(), ...
AnimationController.setPlayRange(starttime, endtime)
Sets the section of the animation to play. If your animation is 10 seconds long but you only want
to play the last 4 seconds, call setPlayRange(6, 10).
Note: ese numbers always represent time in the original animation’s reference frame. i.e. You don’t
have to change the playRange aer changing playForward or playSpeed. Endtime should always be
greater than Starttime, even if playForward is set to false.
starttime: Determines the where the animation will start playing
endtime: Determines the where the animation will stop playing