3 Quick Start Guide
Connecting the cables
Assembling the monitor base
To assemble the monitor base:
1. Havethefrontofthemonitorfacedownonatable.
2. Connectthebasewiththearmaccordingtothebelowdrawing.Aclickshows
that the base has been connected successfully.
We recommend that you cover the table surface with soft cloth to prevent
damage to the monitor.
1. Connectthecablesasthefollowinginstructions:
To connect the power cord
: connect one end of the power cord securely to
To connect the VGA/DVI cable
a. PlugtheVGA/DVIconnectortotheLCDmonitor’sVGA/DVIport.
b. ConnecttheotherendoftheVGA/DVIcabletoyourcomputer’sVGA/
c. TightenthetwoscrewstosecuretheVGA/DVIconnector.
To connect the audio cable
: connect one end of the audio cable to the
2. Gather all the cables with the cable hook.
Cable hook