All tyres used on Lunar caravans, when
inflated to the pressures recommended, are
adequate for speeds up to 130 kph at the
maximum specified laden weight of all
Note: Maximum permitted speed in the
U.K. is 60 mph and in the interests of road
safety speeds above this are not
Tyre tread
A caravan is subject to the same criteria
applied to car tyres, namely; a minimum of
1.6 mm tread pattern depth throughout.
Tyre pressures
Caravan and towing vehicle tyres must be
at the pressures recommended for towing
or heavy loading. The pressures can be
found in the towing vehicle handbook and
under the caravan specification in the service
Note: Pressures should only be checked
when the tyres are cold, not after a
journey or if the vehicle has been
standing in the sun.
Other means of attachment:
In some instances it may be possible to
attach the cable assembly:
a) to a permanent part of the towbar
structure, as long as this meets the
approval of the towbar manufacturer/
b) to an accessory sold for the specific
purpose of breakaway cable attachment.
When the breakaway cable is attached,
check to ensure:
a) that the cable cannot snag in use on the
trailer coupling head, jockey wheel, or
any accessory, e.g. a stabiliser, bumper
shield, cycle carrier, etc.
b) that there is sufficient slack in the cable
to allow the towing vehicle and trailer to
articulate fully without the cable ever
becoming taut and applying the brakes.
NOTE: For peace of mind you might wish
to check the state of the cable by
positioning the trailer and towing vehicle
at extreme angles before setting off.
c) that it is not so slack that it can drag on
the ground. If left loose, the cable may
scrape along the ground and be
weakened so that it subsequently fails to
do its job. The cable may also be caught
on an obstacle when in motion thus
engaging the trailer brakes prematurely.
Having followed this advice, should you feel
that a satisfactory coupling arrangement
cannot be achieved, consult your trailer or
towbar supplier or service agent.
• It is a legal requirement that the
secondary break away cable is used
when towing.
Check wheel nut torques regularly and
particularly before a long trip for extra safety.
This service is available at all tyre service
depots (inform them of the torque settings)
• The torque settings are:
• Check wheel/tyres for signs of
deterioration or damage.
WARNING: After a wheel has been
refitted, always recheck the torque after
20-30 miles use or 20-30 minutes
travelling. Even if properly torqued up, it
is occasionally possible for fixings to
loosen should the wheel "bed in" on the