Food/Result Attachmeet
Cucumbers,Chopped Knife Blade
Cucumbers,Shredded Disc, ShreddingSide
Cucumbers,Sliced Disc, Slicing Side
Eggplant,Sliced Disc, Slicing Side
Eggs(Hard Cooked),Chopped Knife Blade
Fish)Boned, Raw),Chopped Knife Blade
Fruit)Candied,Dried),Chopped Knife Blade
Garlic, Minced KnifeBlade
Horseradish,Grated Knife Blade
Lemons,Sliced Disc, Slicing Side
Lettuce, Sliced (into Strips) Disc, SlicingSide
Limes,Sliced Disc, Slicing Side
Meat(Boneless, Uncooked Disc Slicing Side
Chicken,Pork,Beef) Sliced
Meat (Boneless, Uncooked KnifeBlade
Meat (Boneless, CookedHam, Knife Blade
Melon, Sliced Disc, Slicing Side
Mushrooms, Chopped Knife Blade
Mushrooms, Sliced Disc, Slicing Side
Special lestroctioos
Peel(if desired), halve lengthwise, and
scoop outseeds (iftough). Cutinto
1" (25mm)pieces. Add upto 2 cups
(480ml) ata time. Pulseto desired fineness.
Cutto fit Chute(if necessary).
Cutto fit Chute(if necessary). Use light
Peel(if desired) and quartered or cutto
fit Chute.Usefirm pressure.
Forfrying afterslicing, salt andlot stand
in colander to drain off excess moisture.
Peel, dry andhalve.Add upto 6 eggsat
atime. Chopto desired fineness.
Cutinto cubes. Addup to1cup (240ml)at
atime. Pulseto desired fineness.
Pitand addup to 1 cup (240ml) ata time.
Add 1/2-cup(120ml)flour per cup offruit.
(Subtract this flour from amount called for in
With Processor running, drop clove down
Chute.Quicklycover Chuteand process
3to 5seconds. (Usethis methodto mince
other small items,such as gingerroot.)
Peel; cut into 1" (25ram)cubes.Add upto
1cup (240ml).Process to desired fineness.
Chooselemons tofit Chute(if possible).
Cutoff oneend andplace lemon in Chute
with cut endon Disc.Usefirm pressure.
Cutwedges to fit Chute.(Never try to
shred lettuce; it istoo soft anddelicate.)
Chooselimes tofit Chute(if possible). Cut
off one endand place lime in Chutewith cut
endon Disc.Use firm pressure.
Position meat on cookie sheetandfreeze
until partially frozen, (firm, but notsolid).
Cutmeat tofit Chute.(if meat istoo
solid,it can damage Processor.)Usefirm
Cutinto 1" (25ram)cubes. Add upto 1cup
(240ml) ata time.
Cutinto 1" (25ram)cubes. Add upto 1cup
(240ml) ata time.Chop coarsely for salads,
finely Choppedfor spreads.
Halve,removeseeds, cutto fit Chute,and
removerind. Use moderatepressure.
Wash (keepstemson). Add 5 or6
mushroomsat atime andpulse to desired
Cuta thin slice off 1side of 2mushrooms.
Place cutsides directly on Disc inarea
beneath Chute.PlaceCoveron Bowl and
stack remaining mushroomssideways in
Chute,alternating stemsandcaps. Use
firm pressure.