DESCRIPTION 1000 & 1 Acid Cleaner designed for really tough jobs, this chemical
products quickly penetrates, dissolving and emulsifies oils, dirt, soap
scum and minerals in seconds. Ideal for acid resistant surfaces.
Leaves surfaces sparkling clean with non residue.
USES Use in concrete bricks, tile, terrazo, copper, brass. Stean cleaner, broiler,
steam irons, unclog drains, swimming pool, walkways, benches,
showerheads, strainer, porcelain bowls, tubs, sinks, walls, all metal parts,
garden and households tools, chrome on cars, boat decks, filling, wood,
meta, roof, bronze, clean soap scrum, air conditioners cooling tower,
sterilizers , condensers, water pipes, ice making machine, etc.
ADVANTAGES * clean metals, cooper and bronze * clean and give porosity to concrete
* powerful cleaner * remove white dust deposits
* non-flammable * easy to apply