GGM Gastro BSTOG30C Exploded View

  • Hello! I have reviewed the user manual for the Elevator Octopus. This document provides instructions on assembling the product, including merging the leg pieces, mounting the leg stand, and placing the plexiglass top. I'm ready to answer any questions you have about the assembly process or the features of the Elevator Octopus.
  • How many pieces of leg are there?
    What should you do before mounting the item?
    How should the leg stand be mounted?
Zwei Stücke Bein
Zwei Teile sollten ineinander übergehen
Der Fußständer sollte wie auf dem Foto
montiert werden
Die fertige Plexiglasplatte sollte wie auf
dem Foto aussehen.
Hinweis: Vor der Montage das PVC vom
Plexiglas entfernen.
Two pieces of leg
Two pieces should merge each other
The leg stand should be mounted like photo
The final plexi top should be like photo
Note : Before mounted item, take of PVC
from plexi