Qstarz BT-Q1000XT Mileage is a GPS Travel Recorder that can be used to navigate with handheld devices (Smartphone / Laptop…) and record your travel path. It has a built-in GPS module and can be used in outdoor environments. Once the GPS position is fixed, the GPS LED will be flashing and the Q1000XT can be used to record the travel path or navigate as a bluetooth receiver with handled devices. The QTravel™ software can be used to integrate your travel track and photo together easily. It supports track editing, playback, import/export Wizard and Smart log management.
Qstarz BT-Q1000XT Mileage is a GPS Travel Recorder that can be used to navigate with handheld devices (Smartphone / Laptop…) and record your travel path. It has a built-in GPS module and can be used in outdoor environments. Once the GPS position is fixed, the GPS LED will be flashing and the Q1000XT can be used to record the travel path or navigate as a bluetooth receiver with handled devices. The QTravel™ software can be used to integrate your travel track and photo together easily. It supports track editing, playback, import/export Wizard and Smart log management.
Qstarz BT-Q1000XT Mileage is a GPS Travel Recorder that can be used to navigate with handheld devices (Smartphone / Laptop…) and record your travel path. It has a built-in GPS module and can be used in outdoor environments. Once the GPS position is fixed, the GPS LED will be flashing and the Q1000XT can be used to record the travel path or navigate as a bluetooth receiver with handled devices. The QTravel™ software can be used to integrate your travel track and photo together easily. It supports track editing, playback, import/export Wizard and Smart log management.
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