2759-0101 Modbus Settings in e!COCKPIT
Product manual | Version: 1.0.1 13
Configuring Modbus Networks (TCP/UDP) in e!COCKPIT
Table 2: “Settings” Panel – “Modbus Slave” Tab
Parameter Value Description
Response Delay [ms] 0 … 32 Transmission of the response to a Modbus request is delayed
from the time of processing (read and/or write register values) by
the time according to the setting.
32ms = maximum delay
0ms = no delay
The actual duration is always longer due to parallel requests/sys-
tem utilization. Changes take effect immediately for each subse-
quent request.
Update Variables Always update Variables are always updated, even if they do not appear in the
program, but only used in the Visu Task.
Only when used in
the PLC task
Variables are only updated when the appear in the program.
Watchdog Settings
Function Mode Advanced Mode The watchdog must be controlled explicitly via commands (see
registry 0xFA00 [Watchdog Command]).
Simple Mode The watchdog is activated directly with a timeout > 0s in registry
0xFA01 (Watchdog Timeout). Each trigger restarts both the run-
ning watchdog as well as the expired one.
Reset Timeout [ms] 0 … 65535 Specifies the watchdog reset timeout.
Explicit Trigger On Only writing the value 0x5555 (WATCHDOG_START) to registry
0xFA00 (Watchdog Command) is considered a watchdog trigger
(exception: registry 0xFA02 [Watchdog Status]).
Off All valid Modbus requests are considered watchdog triggers (ex-
ception: registry 0xFA02 [Watchdog Status]).
Trigger on Status On Reading the watchdog status triggers the watchdog.
Off The watchdog trigger is disabled. Watchdog status read-out is not
considered a watchdog trigger.
Resetting of the TCP
On All Modbus TCP connections are disconnected when the watch-
dog expires.
Off Existing Modbus TCP connections remain open.
TCP Settings
TCP Port 1 … 65535 Port number for the TCP link
1 = minimum port number
502 = Modbus default port
65535 = maximum port number
Timeout [10ms] 1 … 65535 Timeout for a TCP link
The connection is closed when no more packets are received
within the timeout period.
Entering “1” yields10 ms.
Entering “600” yields 6s.
Entering “65535” yields 10min 55s 350ms.
Type of Service (IP)
Low Delay On Sets the “Low Delay” attribute in the IP header
Off The “Low Delay” attribute is not set.
High Throughput On Sets the “High Throughput” attribute in the IP header
Off The “High Throughput” attribute is not set.
High Reliability On Sets the “High Reliability” attribute in the IP header
Off The “High Reliability” attribute is not set.