Basic Operation
There are several types of split-window screens. The system will remember the last screen before
(normal) shutdown of the system. In addition to the split windows, the system time is displayed on
the lower-left corner. The current system state is shown on the lower-right corner. The rolling
screen messages display when certain events occur such as video loss or HDD failure.
The system states, from right to left, are described below.
1. Alarm Set/Unset
2. Normal recording percentage
3. Alarm recording percentage
4. X2 state: X1, X2, or X4
5. Manual record On/Off: Rec shown for on.
6. Backup state: Backup icon shown for backup
7. Seq display On/Off or playback state: Seq icon shown for Seq display on, other icons for
different playback states.
Notes: If a mouse is connected, the mouse operational icons are shown when the mouse cursor is
moved to the bottom of the screen. The Recording icon, Motion, & Alarm for the camera will be
shown after the camera title if active.
Logging into the DVR:
There are three preset access levels in the system, including Administrator (highest), Supervisor,
and Operator (lowest). In addition, the system also provides a custom password level. If you do
not login the system, it will default to “Guest” which can only view the live video display. The
system allows up to 18 user accounts. The administrator can set the login name and password for
each user. An Operator can view the live video display. A Supervisor can view the live video
display, image playback and archive. In the Login/Logout display, follow the Text Input method
described on page 17 to enter the Login name & Password. Press ▲▼ to highlight/select the
Login option, and then press Enter to login the system. To logout of the system, press ◄ ► to
highlight and select the Logout option, and then press Enter. Press Esc to exit without making
changes. There is one factory-preset login name/password aa/11 at the Administrator level. If you
forget all the administrator-level passwords, please contact Channel Vision Technical support to
reset the password.