- 5 -
> Select a suitable brush attachment e, the
choice criteria being the type of soiling that has
to be removed and its positioning resp. extent:
• A brush attachment e with red/black bristles
is ideal for removing stubborn soiling, for exam-
ple, on door hinges and under vehicle bonnets.
• For less stubborn soiling, use the brush at-
tachment e with red bristles, as these are softer
and thus more suitable for the cleaning of
chrome, leather and smooth surfaces, without
scratching them.
• For soiling at dicult to reach locations use
the brush attachment e with conically shaped
bristles, for example, for the cleaning of ventila-
tion slots.
Place the selected brush attachment
> e onto the
ange q for the brush attachments, such that
the slots on the attachment glide onto the guide
tracks on the ange q.
Then turn the brush attachment
> e clockwise
through approx. 45° to secure it rmly to the
ange. The arrow symbol on the brush attach-
ment e must then point towards the black spot
on the ange q.
If required, place a suitable cleaning agent
onto the bristles and then bring the device into
position at the location to be cleaned. For stub-
born soiling, especially on cars and motorbikes,
a solvent may be necessary.