Owner's Record
Tile model and serM numbers are located
al tile rear of tile TV. Record these
numbers in the spaces provided below.
Rel;ar lit them whenever you call upon
your Sony dealer regarding 1hisTV.
Model Name
Serial No.
To reduce tile risk of tire or electric shock, do
no[ expose [his WV [o rilill or nlois[urc,
This symbol is intended to
alerl tile user littile presence
of uninsulated 'dangerous
voltage" within the TV's
enclosure that may be of
sufficient magnitude lit
conslitute a risk of electric
shock to persons.
This symbol is inlended to
alert the user titthe presence
of imporlant operaling and
mainlenancc (selwicing)
inslrucflons in the literamrc
acconlpanying the TV.
The TV shall not be exposed 1odripping or
splasldng and no objects filled with liquids, such
as vases, shall be placed on the TV.
Antenna grounding according
to the National Electrical Code,
...... Antennaleaddn
ps_ wire
///,/Ground Ar_ennadisct_arge
/_ //" *#4 ? unit(NECSection
_- Groundclamps
_=poGr°_ servicegrounding
NEC:NationalElectdcNCode (NECArt250PadH)
To prevenl electric shock, do not use lhis
polarized AC plug with an extension cord.
receptacle or ()tiler outlet unless tile blades call
be flflly in_rled to prcvenl blade exposurc.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Nanle: SONY
Model: KDL- 19M4eefl
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics lnc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo,
San Diego, CA 92127 U.S.A.
Telephone Number: 858-942-2230
This device complies with part 15of tile FCC
rules. Operation is subject to tile lollowing
lwo condilkms: (1) This device may not
cause harmlul interl;arcncc, and 12) lhis
device must accept any interlcrcncc rcceived,
including interlcrcnce that may cause
undesired operatkm.
This equipmcnl has been testcd mid lound to
comply wifll tile limits lor aClass B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of tile FCC Rules.
The_ limils are designed to provide reasonable
protccflon against harmfifl interim:fence in a
residential installation. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio l?equency
energy and, if not installed and used ill
accordance with tile inslructions, may cause
harmfifl intcrlcrcnce to radio comumnicalions.
However, there is no guarant_ that inlerl_:rence
will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cau_ hamlfifl inlerl_:rcnce 1o
radio or television reception, which can be
delennined by turning the equipmcnl oH and on,
lhe user is encouraged lo try to correcl lhe
interl_:rence by one or more of lhe b.dlowing
[] Reorient or relocale tile rcceiving
[] Increase tile separation between lhe
equipment and recciver.
[] Connect tile equipment into an outlet on a
circuit dilli:rent l?om that to which the
receiver is connectcd.
[] Consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician Ior help.
Pursuant to FCC rcgulalions, you arc
cautioned lhal any changes or modifications
not expressly approved in this manual could
void your authorily lo operate this
Tile shielded inlerli,ce cable recommended in
this manual must be used with this equipment in
order tit comply with the limits lbr a digital
device pursuant to Subparl B of Part 15 of FCC
For Customers in Canada
This Class B digilal apparatus conlplies with
Canadian ICES-003.
[] Operate tile TV only on 120-240 V AC.
[] Use tile AC pow'er cord specified by Sony
and suilable lor lhe voltage where you use
[] The plug is designed, fi)r salcly purposes.
to fit inlo tile wall oullet only one way. If
you arc unable to insert tile plug flflly into
the outlet, conlact your dealer.
[] If any liqukl or solid objecl should lall
inside the cabinet, unplug the TV
innnediamly and have it checked by
qualified smxice personnel belore
operating il lhrther.
[] If you will not be using tile TV lor scveral
days. disconnect lhe power by pulling the
plug itsdf. Never pull on the cord.
[] For delails concerning salcly precautions,
s_ "lmporlanl Sali:ty Instructions" on
page 3.
[] Tile TV should be inslalled near an easily
accessible power out]el.
[] To prcvenl internal Ileal buildup, do not
block the venlilalion openings.
[] Do not inslall lhe TV in a hot or humid
place, or in a place sut!iect to excessive
dust or mechanical vibration.
[] Awfid operaling the TV al temperatures
bdow 41 °F/5°C).
[] If tile TV is transported directly h'onl a
cold to a _.v_lrllllocation, or if tile rooln
lemperaturc changes suddcnly, tile piclurc
may be blurrcd or show poor color due 1o
nloiSltlrc condensation, 111 tiffs case,
please wait a low hours 1olet the moismrc
evaporate belore turning on tile TV.
[] To obtain lhe best picture, do nol expose
lhe scrcen to direcl ilhmlination or direcl
sunlight. 11is recomnlended to use spol
lighling directed down fl-om the ceiling or
to cover the windows tllal lace the scwen
with opaque drapery. It is desirable to
install the TV in a room where tile floor
and walls are nol of a reflective material.
Use file lollowing Sony TVs only wifll file
may cause instability and possibly result ill
To Customers
Sullicient expertise is rcquired lor installing tile
specified TV. Be sure to subconlract the
installalion to Sony dealer or licensed
contraclors and pay adequate altenlion 1osali:ly
during lhe inslallalion.