3 BEFORE plugging tn the tool,BE SURE thatthe outlet vollage supplied Is w_lhtnthe
voltage marked on the Iool's data plate DO NOT use "AC only" rated fools witha DC
power supply
4 AVOID body contact with grounded surfaces, such aspipes, radiators,ranges and
refrigeratorsThere Is an increased riskof electric shock Ifyour body Is grounded
5 DO NOTexpose power toots to rain or wet conditions or use power toots In wet
or damp locations Weler entering a power loci wRIincrease the riskof electricshock
6 fNSPECT tool cords for damage Have damaged toolcordsrapalrad at a Sears
Service Center BE SURE to stay constantly aware of the cord location and keep
it wellaway from the moving router
7 DO NOT abuse the cord. NEVER use the cord to carry the toot by or to pull the
plug from the outlet, Keep cordaway from heat, all,sharp edges or moving paris
Replace damaged cordsImmediately Damaged cordsincrease the risk of electricshock
Use a proper extension cord, ONLY use cords ttsted by Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
Olher extension cords can cause a drop In line voltage, resulting _n a loss of power and
overheating of tool For this loot an AWG (American Wire Gauge) slze of a! least 14-gauge
Is recommended for an extension cord of 25-ft. or less In length Use 12-gauge lot an
extension cod of 50-It Extension cords tg0-fL or longer are not recommended
Remember, e smatter wire gauge size has greater capacity than a larger number
(14-gauge wire has more capacity than 16-gauge wire; t2-gauge wire has more capacity
than 14-gauge) When In doubt use the smeller number When operalIng a power loci
outdoors, use an outdoor extension cord marked "W-A" or "W" These cords ere rated
for outdoor use and reduce lhe risk of electric shock
l Z_CAUTION: Keepthe extension cord clear of the working area, Position the
cord so that it will not get caught on lumber, toots or other obstructions while you
are working with e power too],,
l _WARNING: Check extension cords before each usa t['damaged replace
Immediately, Never use tool with a damaged cord since touching the damaged area
could cause electrical shock, resulting in serious inJury_
The label on your tool may Include the foltowlng symbols,
V ................ '.,/oils
A ..................... Amps
Hz ....................... Hsrlz
W..................... Watts
role ..................... Minutes
.................... Allernating current
................. DIresl current
no , No-load spssd
[_ ............. Class It constrocllon, Double Insulated
Jmin ......... Revc!ulions or Slrokes par minute
Z_ tndlcales danger, warning or caution
it means allenlion[ Your solely is involved