The followingguidelineswillhelpyou to planyour
exerciseprogram.Remember thatpropernutrition
and adequate restare essentialforsuccessfulresults.
Whetheryour goalisto bum fat orto strengthenyour
cardiovascularsystem,the key to achievingthe
desiredresultsis to exercise withthe proper intensity.
The properintensitylevel can be foundby usingyour
heart rateas e guide.The chart belowshows recom-
mendedheart ratesfor fat buming, maximumfat
burning,and cardiovascular(aerobic)exercise.
165 155 145 140 130 125 H5 ,
145 138 130 125 //8 //0 103
.125 .!.20 115 //0 105 95 90 W
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Tofind the properheart rate for you,first find yourage
on the bottomlineofthe chart (ages are roundedoff
tothe nearestten years). Next, findthethroe numbers
above yourage. The three numbersare your"training
zone."The lowertwonumbersare recommended
heart ratesfor fat burning;the highestnumberis the
recommendedheart ratefor aerobic exercise.
Fat Burning
To bumfat effectively,you mustexercise at a relative-
ly lowintensitylevelfor a sustainedperiodof time.
Dudngthe first few minutesofexercise,yourbody
uses easilyaccessiblecarbohydratecelodes for ener-
gy. Only afterthe firstfew minutesofexercisedoes
yourbodybeginto usestoredfat celodes for energy.
If yourgoal isto bum fat, adjustthe intensityof your
exercise untilyourhead rate is nearthe lowestnum-
ber in yourtrainingzone as you exercise.
For maximumfat burning,adjusttheintensityofyour
exercise untilyourheart rate is nearthe middlenum-
ber in yourtrainingzone as you exercise.
Aerobic Exercise
If yourgoalis tostrengthenyourcardiovascularsys-
tem, yourexercisemustbe =aerobic."Aerobicexer-
rise is activitythat requireslargeamountsofoxygen
for prolongedpedods ofttme.This Increasesthe
demandon the heart to pumpbloodto the muscles,
and on the lungsto oxygenatethe blood. Foraerobic
exorcise,adjustthe Intensityof yourexerciseuntil
your heart rateis near the highestnumber inyour
trainingzone as youexercise.
Eachworkoutshouldincludethe following throe parts:
A warm-up, consistingof5 to 10 minutesofstretching
and lightexercise.A properwarm-upincreasesyour
bodytemperature,heart rate. and circulationin prepa-
rationfor exercise.
Training zone exercise, consistingof20 to 30 min-
utesofexeroislngwithyourheart rata in yourtraining
zone. (Dudngthe first few weeks ofyourexercise
program,do not keep yourheart rateIn your training
zone for longerthan 20 minutes.)
A cool-down, with 5 to 10 minutesof stretching.This
willIncrease the flexibility of yourmusclesand will
Tomaintainor improveyourcondition, complete throe
workoutseach week, with at leastone day of rest
betweenworkouts.Aftera few monthsofregularexer-
cise, you may complete upto fiveworkoutseachweek
ifdesired.The key to successis tomake exercisea
regularand enjoyablepartof youreveryday life.