Feature Functionality
workstations using an agent-based, in-band mode via Dell
OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA).
The Dell OEM servers, 12th or later generation of Dell PowerEdge
servers, Dell PowerVault NX storage arrays, and Dell workstations
also support an agent-free, out-of-band mode, using Integrated
Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) or Integrated Dell
Remote Access Controller 8 (iDRAC8).
You can also discover, classify, and monitor all the other Dell
devices such as chassis, storage, and network switches.
For more information, see Discovering and classifying Dell devices.
Topology and hierarchical view of
Dell devices
In the Topology view, the supported Dell devices are spatially
arranged, based on their type and the operating system, and are
displayed based on their associations with each other.
In the Hierarchical view, the supported Dell devices are arranged,
by order of their underlying hardware and Device category.
For more information, see Viewing Dell devices.
Dell device association Associates Dell OEM servers with DRACs, Dell 12th generation of
PowerEdge servers or later with DRACs, Dell modular servers and
DRACs with FX2 CMC, VRTX CMC, and CMC, Dell PowerEdge
FM120x4 Server Modules with FX2 CMC Devices, Dell workstations
with DRACs, Dell PowerVault NX storage arrays with DRACs,
EqualLogic Blade Array with CMC, modular servers and DRAC with
CMC, and Dell IO modules with CMC to identify where the modular
systems are residing in a data center. For more information, see
Dell device association.
Monitoring licensing availability Periodic monitoring of the Dell Connections License Manager for
license availability. For More information, see Licensing.
Launching Dell consoles Launches the Dell device specific one-to-one or one-to-many
consoles and other Dell tools for the supported Dell devices that
you are monitoring to perform troubleshooting, configuration, and
management activities. For more information, see Launching Dell
device specific consoles.
Launching Dell Connections
License Manager Console
Launches the Dell Connections License Manager Console (DCLM)
console from DCLM events and iDRAC7 or iDRAC8 devices,
applicable only if you want to take advantage of agent-free, out-
of-band (OOB) server management via iDRACs.
Launching Warranty report
Launches the Warranty report information for the supported Dell