Step 3
. Settheprogramdialto
the"0" position(flg.9).
Step 4
. Turn"ON" the appliance
using the "ON/OFF"
.switch (flg.9).
Step 5
. Placea Nespresso cup
under the capsule holder
spout and wait for both
indicator lights to
illuminate. As soon as the
yellow thermostat light
goes out turn the
program dial to the" ,g "
position. This will allow
plain hot water to run
through the machine.
(Do this for approximately
5 seconds). Doing this
will warm up the machine
and all key parts as well
as your cup. Dispose of
water in the cup. At this
point your machine is
heated and ready for use.
Making Espresso
Step 1
. Remove C'lpsule holder
from the machine and
place a Nespresso
capsule into the capsule
holder, make sure that
the widest part of the
capsule is positioned
facing down in the
bottom of the capsule
holder (flg.10). Insert the
capsule holder into the
machine (flg.11) and
turn tightly to the right.
. Each capsule contains
enough ground coffee
for one cup of espresso.
Step 2
. Positionthe warmed cup
under thecapsule holder
Step 3
. Turntheprogram dialto
the" ,g" position(fig.12).
When the de~. red amount
of espresso is in the cup,
turn the program dial
back to the "0"
position. Place the cup
aside, remove the
capsule holder from the
machine and dispose of
the used capsule
immediately (fig.13). This
will prevent the system
from becoming clogged
with dried coffee grinds.
. Always reinsert the
empty capsule holder
into the machine to keep
it warm.
If you are preparing more
than one cup of espresso,
disregard the yellow
thermostat light. It simply
indicates that the
thermostat Is regulating
the temperature.
'_n_._n -----.-.---
Frothlng'Mn~~: ';
In addition to preparing
espresso, you can also use
this machine to froth milk for
cappuccino. For best
results, use the "Perfect
Froth" attachment. If it is not
in place attach it at this time
Step 1
. The first step in making
capPucCino is to make
espresso (See section
"Preparing espresso").
When preparing
cappuccino use a mini
mug or any cappuccino
cup and fill half the cup
with espresso.
If you are making more than
one or two cups of cap-
puccino, it is recommended
that you place the waiting
espresso on top of the war-
ming plate and cover with a
cloth to keep the espresso
hot. Once you are finished
making the required amount
of espresso, then you can
begin frothing your milk for
Step 2
. Remove the empty
capsule from the
machine and reinsert the
capsule holder back into
the machine.
- :':~:f:':~n~r:<;:'~:~r~'(-::-
Step 3
. Take a stainless steel
pitcher and fill '13to '/2
full with fresh, cold milk
and set aside.
This will yield enough froth
for two cups of cappuccino.
If you need more froth,
repeat steps 4-6.
As long as your machine is
turned "ON" and the water
reservoir is properly filled
you can use the steaming
feature. There is no need to
prepare espresso before
using this steaming feature.
As soon as the yellow ther-
me,stat light goes out turn
the program dial to "$"
The thumping sound which
occurs during the hot
steam preparation results
from the interval-controlled
water pump. As the
thumping sound begins a
few drops of water will
come out of the steam
nozzle before changing
entirely to steam
Before preparing the
machine to steam, any
used capsules must be
removed from the capsule
holder to prevent the coffee
from drying up and
clogging the capsule
housing needle.
& Attention!
The Perfect Froth
attachment should only be
used to froth milk.
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Step 4
. Afterthe yellow
thermostat light goes
"out", insert the steam
nozzle half way into the
pitcher and turn the
program dial to the" $ "
position (fig.15). Leave
steam nozzle in the milk
for approximately 45-60
seconds, depending on
how much froth you want
and the type of milk you
are using.
. We recommend using
skim or 2% milk if you'
prefer a stiff, dense froth.
Use regular milk for a
smooth, more liquid type
& Attention!
Do not bring milk to a boil
(this will happen if large
bubbles start forming at the
surface of the milk). Do not
let the "Perfect Froth" attach-
ment touch the bottom of the
pitcher. This will prevent you
from frothing the milk.
Step 5
. After the milk is frothed,
keep the "Perfect Froth"
attachment in the milk
until program dial is in
the "0" position. This will
prevent any splattering.
. Now, you are ready to
add the frothed milk to
the waiting espresso.
The proportion between
espresso and milk is to
taste; in Italy it is
.' '~'.~'" .'
_'_-O_d_'" ..-" '
normally one part
espresso to two parts
milk plus froth.
Step 6
. After the milk is frothed
set aside. If you like ve
stiff froth, let the pitchel
stand for a few second
& Attention!
Thetopclosureofthe"Pe I
fect Froth" (flg.20;PartA:
hasavery finehole which I
draws air into the milk. If
this tiny hole becomes
clogged, the "Perfect Frot
will not work properly.
Never immerse the top
closure in milk or froth
.' Cleaning The
. Perfect. Froth
r:; Attachme"t
& Attention!
It is stronglyadvised that
you wipe off the milk
residue which may have
settled on the "Perfect
Froth" and steaming noz,
after the frothing process.
completed. .
For a thorough cleaning e .
the "Perfect Froth" attach
ment remove separate
Parts A,B,C (flg.20). .
All parts should be rinsec ,
in warm, soapy water. If t .
small section opening in I
Part A is pluyged up, it c .
be opened with a fine