Speaker Speaker
Digital AudioDigital Audio
McIntosh Digital Audio cables use the nest McIntosh Digital Audio cables use the nest
pure copper conductors which are silver pure copper conductors which are silver
plated for enhanced digital bandwidth. plated for enhanced digital bandwidth.
Twice the normal shielding layers are used Twice the normal shielding layers are used
to insulate against outside interference and to insulate against outside interference and
limit radiation of digital noise into the analog limit radiation of digital noise into the analog
sections of the audio system. Gold plated, sections of the audio system. Gold plated,
solid brass connectors are used to assure solid brass connectors are used to assure
secure digital data transmission and the secure digital data transmission and the
best audio performance.best audio performance.
McIntosh Audio Cables use the nest McIntosh Audio Cables use the nest
pure copper conductors with multiple pure copper conductors with multiple
electromagnetic shields to maintain audio electromagnetic shields to maintain audio
signal purity while blocking outside interference. signal purity while blocking outside interference.
Gold plated, solid brass connectors ensure Gold plated, solid brass connectors ensure
secure signal transmission and the best secure signal transmission and the best
audio performance. audio performance.
Power ControlPower Control
McIntosh Power Control cables allow McIntosh Power Control cables allow
full functionality of a McIntosh audio full functionality of a McIntosh audio
system. Products that are interconnected system. Products that are interconnected
using these cables will all turn on and using these cables will all turn on and
off with the preamp control center, off with the preamp control center,
operate using one remote control and operate using one remote control and
allow meter lights to be turned on or allow meter lights to be turned on or
off depending on your preference.off depending on your preference.
For the Consumer’s Protection: For the Consumer’s Protection: In order to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction, In order to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction,
new McIntosh products may only be purchased from an Authorized McIntosh Dealer; and, with new McIntosh products may only be purchased from an Authorized McIntosh Dealer; and, with
certain limited exceptions may only be purchased over-the-counter or delivered and installed by certain limited exceptions may only be purchased over-the-counter or delivered and installed by
the Authorized McIntosh Dealer. McIntosh does not warrant, in any way, products that are the Authorized McIntosh Dealer. McIntosh does not warrant, in any way, products that are
purchased from anyone who is not an Authorized McIntosh Dealer, or that have had their serial purchased from anyone who is not an Authorized McIntosh Dealer, or that have had their serial
numbers altered or defaced.numbers altered or defaced.