AMERICANA A4425GDTABB Owner's manual

Owner's manual

This manual is also suitable for

Side by Side
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these nmnl)ers on a label inside
the refrigerator cmnpartn_ent at the
top on the right side behind the
Safety Information
Connect Electricity ............. 3
Extension Cords ............... 2
Proper Disposal ................ 2
Safety Precautions .............. 2
Operating Instructions
Automatic Icemaker ............ 7
Care and Cleaning ........... 9, ] 0
Controls ..................... 4
Crispers ...................... 6
Dispenser ..................... 8
Replacing the Light Bulbs ....... l l
Shelves and Bins ............... 5
Installation Instructions
Preparing to Install
the Refiigerator ............... 12
VVater Line Installation ...... 13-1 7
Troubleshooting Tips
Before You Call For Service . . .18-20
Normal Operating Sounds ...... 18
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ............ 24
Product Registration ........ 21,22
_4'arranty .................... 23
www.A nwricanaAppliances, corn
Mo(M 25
g_' Printed in the United States
197D7215PO03 49-60502 01-07 JR
Printed on Recycled Paper
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
_:i:This refrigerator must be properl_ installed
and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used.
i)::Do not allow children to climb, st;rod or hang
on the shelves in the refl_igerato_: They could
damage tile refl_igerator and seriously iqiure
::_ Do not touch tile cold sm_i_ces in tile fl'eezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet. Skin
mm stick to these extremeE cold s/m'hces.
_?_Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
\:q)ms and liquids in the vicinib' ot this or any
other appliance.
i)::In refi_igeratoi_ with autolnatic icemakei_,
avoid contact with the m eying parts of the
ejector mechanism, or with the heating element
that releases the cubes. Do not place finge_s or
hands on tile autolnatic icemaking mechanism
while the refl_igerator is plugged in.
i)::Keep finge_s out _ff tile "pinch point" areas;
clearances between tile doo_ and between
the doors and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be careful closing doms when children are
in the area.
i)::Unplug tile refrigerator befin'e cleaning and
making repairs.
NOTE."We stronglyrecommendthat anyservicingbe
performedby aqualified individual
i5::Do not refi'eeze fl'ozen foods which have thawed
NOTE: Turnlhgtherefwerator off wathe controls on
the touchpanel doesnot shut off electricalpower to the
Chikl entrapnlent and suflbcation are not problems
of tile past.J/mked or abandoned refl_gerato_ are
still dangerous...e\vn if tile?' will sit for 'ijust a low
days." If you are getting rid of yore" old refl'igerato*;
})lease fbllow tile instructions below to help pre\ ent
Before YouThrowAway YourOld Refrigerator
or Freezer:
iJi::_ke off tile doms.
!;?:I,eaxe tile shelves in place so that children may
not easily climb inside.
MI refl_igeration products contain refl_igerants,
which trader federal law must be removed prior
to product disposal. If you are getting rid of an
old refl_igeration product, check with tile company
handling tile disposal about what to do.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend
against the use of an extension cord.
Howe\'eI; if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it be a Ui,-listed (in tile United
States) or a CSA-listed (in Canada), 3-wire gro/mding type appliance extension cord having a gro/mding
type plug and outlet and that tile electrical rating _ff tile cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 volts.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For
personal safe_ this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped with
a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates with a
standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet to
minimize the possibiliD' of electric shock haan'd
fl'om this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked bv a
qualified electfidan to make sure the outlet is
properly grotmded.
If the outlet is a standard 9-prong outlet, it is yore"
personal responsibiliD' and obligation to have it
replaced with a properly grotmded 3-prong wall
The refl]gerator should ahvays be I)lugged,, into its
own indixidual electrical outlet which has a xoltage
rating that matches the rating plate.
This provides the best perfommnce and also
I)rexents oxerloading, house wiring, circuits which
could cause a fire hazard fl'om oxerheated wires.
Never unplug your refl{gerator b)' pulling on the
power cord. Mways grip plug firefly and pull
straight out fl'om the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that
have become fl'ayed or otherwise damaged. Do not
use a cord that shows cracks or abi'asion danlage
along its length or at either end.
X,_]_en moving the refl_igemtor away fl'om the
wall, be careflfl not to roll over or damage the
power cord,
Aboutthe controlsonthe refrigerator.
Startup Steps for Proper Temperature Control
STEP l--Set Fresh Food Control on "5."
STEP 2--Set Freezer Control on "5."
STEP _-_-W,MT 12HOURS tor temperature to stabilize.
STEP _-]fa change is needed, mo_e tile control one mm-lber at a time and allo_ 12hom_
for tempenmlre to stabilize.
i;i?:On some models, setting both controls to the warmest setting until the displa}
flashes (off) will stop cooling in both the fi'eezer and refl'igerator compartments.
i;ii:On other models, setting either control to the warmest setting until the displa?
flashes (off) _ill stop the cooling to the fi'eezer and refiqgerator.
NOTE: Turning the refrigerator to the 0 (off) .settin-_ via the controls does not
shut off electrical power to the refrigerator.
Controlsettings will vary based on personal preferences, usage and
operating conditions and may require more than one adjustment.
Adiust T(¢mpcrratuFe
0 is Off/5 is Normal / 9 is (:oldest
@ @
Hold 3 seconds
Not all features are on all models.
r Bins on the Fresh FoodCompartment Door
Ac!justable bins can easily be carried fl'om
refl_gerator to work area.
To remove: iJfl the ti'ont oI the bin up,
then pull out.
Toreplace or relocate'Engage., , the bin in the
molded supports of the doox, and push in.
Bin will lock in place.
Rearranging the Shelves
Refrigerator Shelves:
0 LiftupandOut _ ]-iltup
Freezer Shelves:
Deep Door Shelves
Detachable shelf extende_ deepen and
enclose fixed door shelves, providing
II/OI'e storage I'OOIl/ }lIld greater storage
Toremove: iJfl the shelf extender straight
up, then pull out.
Toreplace:Engage the shelf extender in the
molded supports on the door and push in.
It will lock in place.
Aboutthe crispers.
Not all features are on all models.
Fruit and Vegetable Crispers
Excess water that ma_ accumulate in the
bottom of the (h'awe_s should be wiped (h_.
Aboutthe crisperremoval
Not all features are on all models.
Crisper j_"
Guides _/'4_
When replacing the crispers,
make sure you slide them through
the crisper guides.
Crisper Removal
(_ispe_ can easil_ be removed by, tiltino_ uo
slightly and I)ullin_*_past stop location.
If the door prevents you fl'om taking out
the ct_isi)ets, the reti_igerator will need to
be rolled flwward until the door opens
enough to slide the c_isi)e_s out. In some
cases, when you roll the i'efYigei'ator out,
you will need to move the reti'igerator to
the left as w>u roll it out.
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12-24 hours to begin making ice.
Power Automatic Icemaker (on some models)
PowerLight srArm
The icemaker will produce seven cubes
per cycle---al)l)roxin/ately 100-130 cubes
in a 24-hour l)eriod, del)ending on fl'eezer
COllll)ai'tlllent tellll)ei'attli'e _ i'OOll1
telllperattlre, ntllllbei" Of door ol)enings
and other use conditions.
If the refl_igerator is operated befin'e the
water cmmection is made to tile icemake_;
set the power switch in the 0 (off) position.
When the refl_igerator has been comlected
to the water SUl)ply, set the power switch to
the I (On)position.
The icemaker will fill with water when
it cools to 15°E A newEqnstalled
reti_igerator may take 12-24 hom_ to
begin making ice cubes.
Throw away the fi_st tew batches of ice to
allow the water line to clear
If ice is not used fl'equenfly, old ice cubes
will become cloudy, taste stale, and shrink.
If ice cubes get stuck in the icemaker, the
green power light will blink. To correct this,
set the power switch to 0 (of'[)and remove
the cubes. Set the power switch to 1(on) to
restart the icemake_: _Mter the icemaker has
been turned on again, there will be a delay
of about 45 nlinutes befi)re the icemaker
I'eStllIleS ol)eration.
NOTE: Inhomeswith lower-than-averagewater
pressure,youmayhear the icemakercycle multiple
times whenmaking onebatch ofice.
Be sm'e nothing interteres with the sweep
of the teeler aml.
It is nomml for sexeral cubes to be joined
There is an upper freezer shelf
above the icemaker that can be
used for storage.
_iI _iiiii
/? /
_i _iii_
Ice Storage Drawer
Toaccess ice, pull the drawer out,
Toremove the drawer, pull it straight out
and lift it past the stop location.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If yore" retrigerator did not come ah'ea(l_
equil)l)ed with an autonlatic icemake_;
an icemaker accessory kit is ax filable at
extI'a cost.
Check the back of the refligerator fin.
the specific icemaker kit needed fin.
VOIII" I//odel,
Aboutthe dispenser.
On some models
ToUse the Dispenser
Some dispenser models offer water only. On
other models _ou can select CUBED ICE
or WATER _.
Press tile glass gently against tile top oI tile
dispenser cradle.
If no water is dispensed when the corn)crater is
first installed,there may be air in the water line
system. Press the d/spenser arm for at least two
m/butesto remove trapped air from the water line
andto fill the water system. Toflush out impurities
in the water/1be,throw away the first slkglassfuls
of water.
CAUTION:Neverput fingersoranyother
Locking the Dispenser (on some models)
Press the tockp',_d for
3 seconds to lock tile
dispenser and control
panel. To unlock, press
and hold tile pad again
Hold 3 s_'conds
for 3 seconds.
Dispenser Light(on some models)
This pad turns tile night
andoff. Tile light alsoCollies on when the
dispenser cradle is
pressed. If this light
burns out, it should be replaced with a
6 watt maximum, 12 volt DC bulb.
Ice Storage Drawer
on Ice Dispenser Models
Set tile icelnaker power switch to tile O (Off)
position. Pull tile drawer straight o/lt and
then lift past tile step position.
\._l/en rel)lacing tile drawei; Inake sure to
push it firmly into place. If it does not go all
the way back, remove it and rotate the drive
nlechanisln 1/4 turn. Then push tile
drawer back again.
Important Facts About Your Ice Dispenser
?_:Do not add ice fl'oln trays or bags to
tile storage bin. It inav not crush or
dispense well.
_: Avoid ovedilling glass with ice and use
of narrow glasses. Backed-up ice can jam
tile chute or cause tile door ill tile chute
to fl'eeze shut. If ice is blocking the
chute, poke it through with a wooden
::Ji::Beverages and fl)ods should not be
quick-chilled ill the ice storage bin.
Cans, bottles or fi)od packages ill tile
storage bin inav cause the icelnaker
or auger to jaln.
_: To kee I) dispensed ice fl'oln missing
the glass, put the glass close to, but
not touching, tile dispenser oi)ening.
_: The fi_t glass of water dispensed may be
wamler than the following ones. This is
iJi::Dispensed water is not ice cold.
For colder watei; silnply add ice cubes
before disl)ensing, water.
Careand cleaningoftherefrigerator. .Americanaappliancescem
Cleaning the Outside
The dispenser drip area, (on some models)
beneath the grille, shotdd be wii_d (hT. _4"_ter
left in this area may leave deposits. Remove
the deposits by adding mMiluted vinegar to
the well. Soak m_til the deposits disappear
or becoille loose enotlgh to IJnse _l_V_lVk
The dispenser cradle (on some models).
Beiore cleaning, lock the dispenser by
pressing and holding the Lock pad t0r
3 seconds. Clean with warn/wamr and
baking soda solution--about a tablespoon
(15 ml) of baking soda to a quart (1 liter)
of wam_: Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.
The doorhandles and trim. Clean with a
cloth dampened with soapy water: Dry
with a soft cloth.
Keep the outside clean. Wipe with a clean
cloth lightly dampened Mth kitchen
appliance wax or mild liquid dish (lete_gent.
Dry and polish with a clean, soft cloth.
Donot wipetherefrigeratorwith a soileddish
cloth orwet towel.Thesemayleavearesidue
that canerodethepaint.Donot usescounbg
scratchand weakenthepaintfinish.
Cleaning the Inside
Tohelp prevent odors,leave an open bo× c4
baking soda in the fl'esh food and fl'eezer
COIl/pa I'[lIlents.
Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning. If this
is not practical, wring excess moistm'e ()tit
of sponge or cloth when cleaning arotmd
switches, lights or controls.
Use wai_m water and baking soda solution--
about a tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda
to a quart (1 limr) (ffwate_: This both
cleans and neutralizes oclo_. Rinse and
wipe (lr_:
_Mter cleaning the door gaskets, apply a thin
layer of petrolemnjelly to the door _skets
at the hinge side. This helps keep the
gaskets ti'om sticking and bending ()tit
of shape.
Drain opening in freezer compartment During
yearly cleaning, renlove bottom fl'eezer
basket and flush a solution of baking
soda--1 teaspoon (5 ml) and 2 cups
(500 ml) of hot (not boiling) wam_
through the drain line with the help of a
meat baste_: This will help eliminate odor
and reduce the likelihood of a clogged
drain line. If drain becomes clogged, use a
meat baster and baking soda solution to
fi)rce the clog through the drain line.
Avoid cleaning cud glass shelves with hot water
because the extreme temperature difference
may cause them to break. Handle glass shelves
carefull_z Bumping tempered g/ass can cause it
to shatter
Donot washanyplasticrefngeratorpartsin
Careand cleaning oftherefrigerator.
Behind the Refrigerator
Be caretul when moving the refl_igerator
away fl'om the wall. _dl types of floor
coverings can be dalnaged, particularly
cushioned coverings and those with
elllbossed S/llS[_lces.
Pull the reflJgerator straight out and returi_
it m position by pushing it straight in.
Moving the refl_igerator in a side direction
Inay result in danmge to the floor coverh_g
or reflJgeratoi:
When pushing the refrigerator back, make sure
you don't rot over the power cord or icemaker
supply line (onsome models).
Preparing for Vacation
For long \;l(-ations or absen(-es_ i'elllOVe
food and unphlg the reli_igeratoi: Clean
the interior with a baking soda solution
of one tablespoon (15 Inl) of baking soda
to one quart (l liter) _ffwateI: I,eave the
(looi_ open.
Set the icemaker power switch to the 0 (ol"[J
position and shut off the water supply to
the refl_igeratm:
If the temperature can drop below
fl'eezing, have a qualified servicer drain the
water supply s};steln (on some models) to
prevelK serious property dalnage due to
Preparing to Move
Secm'e all loose items such as grille,
shelves and drawei_ by taping them
securely in place to prevent dalnage.
Besure,therefrigeratorstaysin anupnght
Replacingthelightbulbs. Ame,ica.aa ,ia.cescom
NOTE: Turning the refrigerator to the 0 (off) setting via the controls does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator.
Fresh Food Compartment--Upper Light
0 Unplug the reflJgeratm:
On models with pad controls--The
bulb is located near the uppe>left rear
corner of the compartment, behind the
light shield.
A) Remove the light shield by
sliding it fi_rward and out ot the
coI/l pa i'tlllent,
B) P.eplace with an appliance bulb of
the same or lower wattage,
C) Replace the light shield by holding
it against the left wall and sliding up
and toward the rear wall m_fil it
snaps in place.
On models with knob controls--The
bulb is located behind the controls.
Replace with an appliance bulb of
the same or lower wattage.
0 Plug the refrigerator back in.
Freezer Compartment
0 Unplug the refl_igeratm:
@ Remoxe tile shelf just below light
shield. (Tile shelf will be easier to
remove if it is emptied fi_t.)
i,ifl up on the light shield to remove.
After replacing with an appliance
bulb of the same or lower watta_*e
reinstall the shield b) hanging it
fl'om the three tabs.
Reinstall the shelf and plug the
refrigerator back in.
Dispenser (on some models)
0 Unplug the reffigeratm:
@ The bulb is located on the dispenser
trader the control panel. Remoxe
tile light bulb by tm'nino it
0 Replace the bulb with a bulb of the
S}lllle size }lll(] wattaoe
O Plug the refrigerator back in.
Model 25
I If youhave questions,call 1.800.432.2737
Read these hlstructions completely and carefully.
IMPORTANT - Sa,etheseinsmtctionsfor
local inspector's use.
• IMPORTANT - Obse,,ea, codes
and ordinances.
Note to Installer _ Be sul_ to lea\e fllese instructions
wifll tile Consumer.
Note to Consumer _/<,eepthese instructkms tbr d/lure
Skill level - Installation of this appliance requires basic
mechanical skills.
Completion time - Refl_igerator Installation
15 minutes
Proper inst_dlation is tile responsibility of tile installel:
Product failure due to improper installation is not coxered
under tile \_m'antv.
(on some models)
If the reti'igenmn" has an icemakel, it will hme to be connected
to a cokt water lille. AGE water suppl 5 kit (containing tubing,
shuu)tt valve, fitfingx and instructions) is available at extra cost
ti'om your dealer or ti'om Parts and Accessories, 800.626.2002.
• Do not install tile refl_igerator where die temperaml> will go
belo_x 60°F (16°(2) because it will not run often enough to
maintain proper temperatures.
Install it (ill a floor strong enough to support it fl/llt loaded.
)dlo_ tile tollowing clearances tot ease of installation, proper air
circulation and plumNng and electrical connections.
Sides 1/8" (4 Into)
• Top 1" (25 ram)
Back 1" (25 ram)
A door clearance of 3/4" (19 ram) is needed fill"a 90° door
opening \dlich pr(Mdes bettor access to file tbod storage al_a.
The rollers have 3 purposes:
Rollers a(!just so tile door closes easily \d/en opened about
Rollel* a({jtlst so tile refligerator is filmly positioned (ill tile
floor and does not w()bble.
Rollers allow you to lno_e tile l>fl'igerator ax_v ti'om tile x_dl
tor cleaning. "
To adjust the rollers: __
Turn tile roller ad'usting.!., ....screws
clocM_ise to raise the refl'igeratol;
comlterdockwise to lower it. Use an
a({iustable _Tench (3/8" hex head bolt) or pliers.
After lexeling, make stire that tile doors are exen ;:it tile top.
To make tile doors even, at!just tile refi-lgerator door as tollows:
O Remoxe tile Base Grille, open tile dool_, then pull tile grille
straight out.
Determine which of tile two doors is higher than the othel;
I_ifttile lower dool; along with the small cam.
Place tile shim between tile Door Metal Hinge and tile small
cam as shown.
_ Press ill tile shim so that it fits ill between tile metal hinge
and the plastic cam.
_ Close tile doors and check if they are lexel at tile top./f one
door is still lower than tile otheli repeat tile process and
insert another shim.
NOTE: If tile doors are not exert and tile shim is already inserted,
Villic;:lllrel//o'_e tile shim to lower tile door.
Installation instructions
I_.ecommended copper water supply kits are WX8X2,
WX8X3 or WX8X4, depending on the amount of
tubing you need. Approved plastic water supply
lines are GE SmartConnect TM Refl'igerator Tubing
(WX08X10002, WX08X10006, WX08X10015 and
When connecting your refl'igerator to a GE Reverse
Osmosis Water System, the only approved installation
is with a GE RVKit. For other reverse osmosis water
systems, tollow the manufimtm'er's recommendations.
This water line installation is not warranted bv tile
refl'igerator or icemaker manufimturer. Follow these
instructions carefully to minimize the risk of expensive
water damage.
Water hammer (water banging in tile pipes) in house
plmnbing can cause damage to refl'igerator parts and
lead to water leakage o, flooding. (;all a qualified
plumber to correct water hammer befl_re installing
the water supply line to the refl'igerator.
To prevent burns and product damage, do not hook
up the water line to the hot water line.
If you use your refl'igerator beibre connecting the
water line, make sure the icemaker power switch is in
the 0 (Ofl} position.
Do not install the icemaker tubing in areas where
temperatures thll below fl'eezing.
When using any electrical device (such as a power
drill) during installation, be sure the device is double
insulated or grounded in a manner to prevent the
hazard of electric shock, or is battery powered.
All installations must be in accordance with local
plmnbing code requirements.
Copper or GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator Tubing
kit, 1/4" outer dialneter to connect the refrigerator
to the water supply: If using copper, be sure both ends
of the tubing are cut square.
To detemfine how nmch tubing you need: ineasure
the distance froln the water wflve on the back of the
refrigerator to the water supply pipe. Be sure there is
sufficient extra tubing to allow the reli'igerator to move
out ti'oln the wall atier installation.
GE Slnart(]onnect TM Refl'igerator Tubing Fdts are
available ill the fi_llowing lengths:
2' (.6 m) - WX08X10002
6' (1.8 Ill) -- X_3X08X10006
15' (4.6 m) - X_3X08X10015
25' (7.6 m) - X43X08X10025
NOTE: The only GE approved plastic tubing is that
supplied in GE SmartCmmect TM Refrigerator Tubing
kits. Do not use any other plastic water supply line
because the line is under pressure at all times. Certain
types of plastic will crack or rupture with age mid cause
water damage to your home.
installation instructions
A GE water supply kit (containing tubing, shutoff
wflve and fittings listed below) is a\zfilable at extra
cost fl'OlIl VO/lI" dealer or flOlil Parts _111(1 Accessories,
A cold water supply. Tile water pressure must be
between 20 and 120 p,s,i, (1,4-8,2 bar),
Power drill.
1/2" or adjustable wrench.
Straight and Phillips blade screwdriver.
Two 1/4" outer diameter compression nuts and
2 ferrules (sleeves)--to cmmect the COl)per tubing
to tile shutoffvalve and tile refrigerator
water w_lve.
If wm are using a GE Si//art(]onnect TM Refl'igerator
Tubing kit, tile necessat T fittings are preassembled to
tile tubing.
If wmr existing COl)per water line has a flared fitting
at the end, you will need an adapter (awfilable at
plmnbing supply stores) to connect the water line to
tile refl'igerator OR you can cut off tile flared fitting
with a tube cutter and then use a compression fitting.
Do not tilt formed end fl'om GE Sinart(]onnect TM
Refl'igerator tubing.
Shutoff valve to connect to tile cold water line.
The shutoff wflve should have a water inlet with a
minhnmn inside diameter of 5/32" at the point of
connection to the COLD WATER LINE. Saddle-tyi)e
shutoff wflves are included in many water sui)ply kits,
gefl)re purchasing, make sure a saddle-type valve
complies with your local plmnbing codes.
Install tile shutoff xalxe on tile nearest frequently used
drinking water line.
Ttu'n on tile nearest fimcet long enouoh_ to clear
tile line of water.
Choose a location fl_r tile valve that is easily
accessible. It is best to connect into tile side of a
vertical water pipe. _'hen it is necessary to connect
into a horizontal water pipe, make tile connection
to tile top or side, rather than at tile bottom,
to avoid drawing off anv sediment from tile
water pipe.
Drill a 1/4" hole in tile water pipe (even it using a
sell=l)iercing valve) using a shai 1) bit. Relnove anv
bur_ restflfing fl'om drilling tile hole in tile pipe.
Take care not to allow water to drain into the drill,
Faihu'e to drill a l/4" hole may result in reduced
ice I)roduction or slnaller cubes.
Installation instructions
Fasten the shutoit xalxe to the cold water pipe with
the pipe clamp.
PipeClamp --%
Saddle-Type J -VerticalCold
ShutoffValve WaterPipe
NOTE: (;ommonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing
Codes 248CMR shall be adhered to. Saddle wdves
are illegal and use is not permitted in Massachusetts.
Consult with wmr licensed plumber.
Tighten the clamp screws tmtil the sealing washer
begins to swell.
NOTE: Do not overtighten or vou may c_ush the
Route the robing between the cold water line and
the reli'igera tot.
Route the tubing through a hole drilled in the wall
or floor (behind the refrigerator or ac!jacent base
cabinet) as ('lose to the wall as possible.
NOTE: Be sure there is sufticient extra tubing to
allow the refl'igerator to move out fl'oln the wall
alier installation.
Place the compression nut and ti_Hule (sleeve) fin"
COl)per tubing onto the end of the tubing and
connect it to the shutott wdve.
Make sm'e the tubing is flflly inserted into the valve.
Tighten the compression nut secm'elv:
For plastic tubing fl'om a GE Smart(_onnect TM
Refl'igerator Tubing kit, insert the molded end
of the tubing into the shutoff wdve and tighten
compression nut until it is hand tight, then tighten
one additional turn with a wrench. Overtightening
IIl_lV Catlse leaks.
Outlet Valve --
_ Tubing
-- Ferrule(sleeve)
NOTE: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing
Codes 248CMR shall be adhered to. Saddle wflves
are illegal and use is not permitted in Massachusetts.
Consult with wmr licensed plumber:
Tm'n the main water supply on and flush out the
tubing until the water is clear.
Shut the water off at the water valve alter about
one quart (l liter) of water has been flushed
through the tubing.
Installation Instructions
Before making the connection to the refl'igerator,
be sure the refl'igerator power cord is not
plugged into the wall outlet.
If your refl'igerator does not have a water filter,
we recolnmend installing one if vour water supply
has sand or particles that could clog the screen of
the refi'igerator's water wdve. Install it in the
water line near the refl'igerator. If using a (;E
Smart(]onnect T_I Refl'igerator Tubing kit, you
will need an additional tube (_._3X08X10002)
to connect the filter. Do not cut plastic tube
to install filter.
Some models have the refl'igerator connection at
the end of tubing located outside the compressor
compartment access cover. On other models, the
COlili)i'essoi" COlili)ai'tli/ent access cover iiUlSt be
removed in order to access the refl'igerator
connection at the water wdve.
On models usim, the refrigeration connection at
the water xalxe, remoxe the plastic flexible cap.
Place the compression nut and ti_rt ule (sleeve)
onto the end of the tubing as shown. On a GE
SmartConnect Refl'igerator Tubing kit, the nuts
are alreadv assembled to the tubing.
Insert the end of the tubing into the reli'igerator
connection as flu" as possible. While holding the
tubing, tighten the fitting.
For plastic tubing fl'om a GE Slnart(_onnect
Refl'igerator Tubing kit, insert the molded end of
the tubing into the refl'igerator com_ection and
tighten the compression nut until it is hand tight,
then tighten one additional turn with a wrench.
Overtightening may cause leaks.
Fasten the tubing into the clamp provided as
shown to kee I) it in position. You may need to pry
open the clamp.
One of the illustrations below will look like the
cmmection on your refrigerator.
Clamp _
Connection Tubing
1/4" 1/4"
Rdrigerat0r _ SmartConnectTv
Connection Tubing
Tighten am connections that leak.
Reattach the access cruet.
Installation instructions
_rranoe tile coil of tubing so that it does not xibrate
against the back of the refrigerator or against the
wall. Push the refrigerator back to the wall.
Set tile icemaker power switch to tile I (on)position.
Tile icemaker will not begin to operate until it
reaches its operating temperature of I5°F (-9°C)
or below. It will then begin operation automatically
if tile icemaker power switch is in tile I (on} position.
NOTE: In lower water pressure conditions, tile
water xalxe may turn on up to 3 times to delixer
eno//(vh watei" to tile icemakei:
Normal operatingsounds.
These sounds are normal
and are due mostly to highly
efficient operation.
The new high efficiency comi)ressor runs tipster and will haxe a higher pitch lmm
or I)ulsating, sound while oi)erating.
The tim circtflating air inside the freezer which keeps the temperattu'es
_ter droli) ring, on the defrost heater causing a sizzling, hissing or i)opping
sotmd dtwing the defrost c) cle.
The flow of reffioerant through the fl'eezer cooling coils sounds like boilino
water or a gm'gling noise.
Cracking or i)oi)ping of cooling coils caused by expansion and contraction
dtwing defl'ost and refrigeration fi)llowing deft'est.
,_4'ater dill)ping as it melts fl'om the e',aporator and flows to the drain pan
(hu_ing the defl'ost cycle.
Icemaker (onsomemodels)
The icemaker water xalxe will buzz when the icemaker fills with water; If the
power s_itch is in the I (on) position, it will buzz even if it has not }et been hooked
up to water; Keeping the power switch in the I (on) position befi)re it is hooked
up to water can damage the icemake_: To prexent this, set the power switch to the
0 (Off)position. This will stoi _ the buzzing.. , .
The sound of cubes dropping into the bin and water framing in pipes as
icemaker refills.
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Troubleshooting -tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and youmay not need to call for service.
Possible Causes What ToDo
Refrigerator does not Refrigerator in defrost cycle. * _hit ablaut 30 minutes fl n" detix _st cycle to end.
operate Freezer control * Move the ti'eezer control to a lower temperature setting.
h'_ 0 (off) position.
Refrigerator is unplugged, * Push the l)lug completely into the outlet.
The fuse is blown/circuit * Rel)lace fuse or reset the breaker.
breaker is tripped.
Vibration or rattling Front rollers need adjusting. * See Rollers.
(slight vibration
is normal)
Possible Causes What ToDo
Motor operates for
long periods or cycles
on and off frequently.
(Modern refrigerators
with more storage
space and a larger
freezer require more
operating time. They
start and stop often
tomaintain even
Freshfood or freezer
compartment too warm
Frost orice crystals
on frozen food
(frost within package
is normal)
Normal when refrigerator
is In'st plugged in.
Often occurs when large
amounts of food are
placed in refrigerator.
Door left open.
Hot weather or frequent
door openhlgs.
Temperature controls
set at the coldest
Temperature control not set
cold enough.
WaJcm weather or frequent
door openhlgs.
Door left open.
Door left open.
Too frequent or too long
door opesfings. 24 houlS fi)r the refl_igerator to colnl)letely
cool dowIs.
This is nmmal.
Check to see if package is holding door open.
This is nomml.
SeeAbout thecontrols.
See About the controls.
Set tile telnl)erature control one step coldei:
See About the controls.
Check to see if package is holding door open.
Check to see if package is holding door open.
Automatic icemaker
does not work
(onsome models)
Automatic energy saver
system circulates warm
liquid m'otmd front edge
of freezer compartment.
IcemaJ_er power switch
is in the 0 (off) position.
Water supply turned off or
not commcted.
Freezer compartment
tOO vwarsn.
This helps prevent c(mdelssafion on tile outside.
Set tile power switch to tile I (on) position.
See Installingthe water line.
_4'ait 24 houls tor tile reliJgerator to colnl)letely
cool dowIs.
Piled up cubes in the storage
bin cause the icema_ker
to shut off.
i,evel cubes by hand.
Ice cubeshave
Slowice cubefreezing
Ice cubes stuck in icemaker.
(Green power light on
icema_ker blinking).
Ice storage bin needs clemahag.
Food trmlsmitthlg odor/taste
to ice cubes.
Interior of refrigerator
needs demahag.
Door left open.
Temperature control not set
cold enough.
Door gasket on hinge side
stickhag or folding over.
Defrost heater is on.
Turn off tile icelnakei; relnove cubes, and turn tile
icelnaker back on.
Eml)ty and wash bill Discard old cubes.
Wrap toods well.
See Care and cleaning.
Check to see if package is holding door open.
See About the controls.
Apply l)etroleum .jelly on ti_ce of gasket.
This is nomml.
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Possible Causes What To Do
Cube dispenser does not Icema_ker tmaled off or * Turn on icemaker or water supply.
work (on some models) water supply turned off.
Ice cubes m'e frozen to * Remoxe cubes.
icema_ker feeler arm.
Irregular ice clmnps in
storage container.
Break up with fingertip pressure and discard
remaining clumps.
Freezer may be too wann. A(!i ust tit e freezer conrail
to a colder setting, one position at a time, m_fil clumps
do not form.
_ii ii i
i/ iiii _i ii!_!_/!_!_!_!_/!_!_/I
ii i i i i i i i
Dispenser is LOCKED. Press and hold the Lock pad fin" 3 seconds.
Water haspoortaste/odor Water dispenser has not been Dispense water tmtil all water in s)stem is replenished,
(on some models) used for a long thue.
Water dispenser does Water supply line turned See Installing the water line.
not work (onsome models) o ff or not cmmected.
Air may be trapped in the Press the dispenser ann for at least two minutes.
water system.
Dispe_ser is LOCKED. Press and hold the Lock pad tot 3 seconds.
NO water or ice cube Supply line or shutoff Call a phmfl)ex:
production valve is clogged.
Dispenser is LOCKED. Press and hold the Lockpad fin 3 seconds.
Refrigeratorhasodor Foods trm_smitth_g Foods with _stron,,_odo_ should be tightly wrapped.
odor to refrigerator. Keep an open box of baking soda in the refiJgerator;
replace exe_a' three months.
Interior needs clemlhag, See Care and cleaning.
Defrost water drainage See Care and cleaning.
system needs clea_g.
Moisture forms on Not mmsuaJ during "_&ipe SUll'ilce dly.
outside ofrefrigerator periods of high hmnidJty.
Moisture collects inside Too frequent or too
(in humid weather, air long door ope_fings.
carries moisture into
refrigerator when doors
are opened)
Interiorlightdoes No power at outlet. Replace tuse or reset the breaker:
not work
Light bulb burned out. See Replacing the light bulbs.
Water on kitchen floor or Drain in the bottom of See Care and cleaning.
the freezer clogged.
Cubesjmnmed in chute. Poke ice throu,,h_ with a wooden spoon.
Hotairfrombottom Normal air flow coolhag motor.
In the refrigeration process,
it is nonnaJ that heat be expelled
in the area under the refrigerator.
Some floor coverings axe sensitive
mad win discolor at these normal
and safe temperatures.
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AMERICANA A4425GDTABB Owner's manual

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