MRV Communications, Inc. – Installation Manual
TS5000/155 TS5000/XYZ/V**
Standard Model
TereScope5000/155, 8 inch receiver Free
Space Optics 1185m@30db/km and
5400m@3db/km (clear weather), Open
Protocol 1-155Mbps, Selectable Protocols 34-
155Mbit/s, visual alignment. XYZ coding:
interface options: M3C, M3T, S3C, S5C
(Standard model: TS5000/M3C/V1S).
RCMU-SNMP included (Remote Control and
Management Unit), Removable interface,
Removable Power supply, Redundant Power
supply: Optional. **Power supply options: 1S,
2S, 13, 23, 24 (See below for power supply
options explanation). Basic accessories kit
supplied with the link: AD-5000, JMP-8 and
TS5000/155-F TS5000/XYZ/F**
Standard Model
TereScope5000/155-F with buit-in Fusion, 8
inch receiver Free Space Optics
1185m@30db/km and 5400m@3db/km
(clear weather), Open Protocol 1-155Mbps,
Selectable Protocols 34-155Mbit/s, visual
alignment. XYZ coding: interface options:
M3C, M3T, S3C, S5C (Standard model:
TS5000/M3C/F1S). RCMU-SNMP included
(Remote Control and Management Unit),
Removable interface, Removable Power
supply, Redundant Power supply: Optional.
**Power supply options: 1S, 2S, 13, 23, 24 (See
below for power supply options explanation).
Basic accessories kit supplied with the link:
AD-5000, JMP-8 and JITK.
TS5000/ETH TS5000/ETH/V*
TereScope5000/ETH, 8 inch receiver Free
Space Optics 1400m@30db/km and
6700m@3db/km (clear weather),
ETHERNET Link, 10 Mbit/s, (RJ45), visual
alignment. RSM-SNMP included, Removable
Power supply, Power supply S or 3 (See below
for power supply options explanation). Basic
accessories kit supplied with the link: AD-
5000, JMP-8 and JITK.
TS5000/4U1 TS5000/4U1/V*
TereScope5000/4E1 or
TereScope5000/4T1 Free Space
1400m@30db/km and 6700m@3db/km
(clear weather), 4E1 Link, G.703/G.704, and
Interface: 4 Universal connectors to be used
with 75 Ohm (Coax) or 120 Ohm (STP),
visual alignment. RSM-SNMP included,
Removable Power supply, Power supply S or
3 (See below for power supply options
explanation). Basic accessories kit supplied
with the link: AD-5000, JMP-8 and JITK.
Using the Part Number for Ordering
To place an order for a TS5000 model having a specific configuration, use the
Part Number format shown in Table 1, noting the following:
In 155 Series the ‘155’ is omitted in the part number, the absence of "155"
represents link operation speed in the range 1 to 155 Mbps.
‘G’ represents link operation speed in the range 100 to 1250 Mbps.
‘ETH’ represents 10 Mbps (Ethernet) operation speed.
‘X’ represents Optical Fiber Mode.
Instead of X use one of the following: