materials defect liability and ŠKODA warranty for new
Materials defect liability
Your ŠKODA Partner, as a vendor, is liable to you for material damage to your
new ŠKODA car, ŠKODA Genuine Parts or ŠKODA Genuine Accessories in ac-
cordance with statutory regulations and the purchase agreement.
ŠKODA warranty for new cars
As well as the materials defect liability, ŠKODA AUTO grants you the ŠKODA
warranty for new cars (hereinafter referred to as “ŠKODA warranty),” accord-
ing to the conditions described below.
As part of the ŠKODA warranty, ŠKODA AUTO will provide the following serv-
Free repair of faulty components or vehicle defects that occur within two
years from the start of the ŠKODA warranty.
Free repair of paint work defects on your vehicle that occur within three
years from the start of the ŠKODA warranty.
Free repair of corrosion caused by rust on the bodywork of your vehicle that
occurs within twelve years from the start of the warranty. Only corrosion of
body panels from the inside to the outside is included in the definition of cor-
rosion caused by rust on the bodywork and covered by the ŠKODA warranty.
The start of warranty is the date on which the new car is handed over to the
initial purchaser by the ŠKODA Partner
. The ŠKODA Partner must insert this
date into the manufacturer's systems accordingly for your car identified by the
Vehicle Identification Number.
Vehicle repairs may be carried out either by replacing the faulty part or by re-
pairing it. Replaced parts become the property of the ŠKODA Service Partner.
There shall be no further claims arising from the ŠKODA warranty. In particu-
lar, there shall be no claims for replacement, cancellation, provision of a cour-
tesy vehicle for the duration of repairs or compensation for damages.
The ŠKODA warranty is valid at any ŠKODA service partner.
A prerequisite for carrying out work under the ŠKODA warranty is that all
service work has been carried out in a timely and technically correct manner
and in accordance with the ŠKODA AUTO's provisions. It must be proven that
service work has been carried out properly and in accordance with the ŠKODA
AUTO's provisions when making a claim on the ŠKODA warranty. In the event
of a missed service or failure to carry out a service according to the ŠKODA
AUTO's provisions, you may still be entitled to warranty claims as long as you
can prove that the missed service or the failure to carry out a service accord-
ing to the ŠKODA AUTO's provisions was not the cause of the defect.
ŠKODA warranty excludes parts that are subject to natural wear such as tyres,
spark plugs, wiper blades, brake pads and brake discs, clutch, bulbs, synchron-
iser rings, batteries etc. The ŠKODA warranty also does not cover faults to
bodywork, installations or conversions provided by third-parties, or vehicle
faults caused as a result. The same applies to accessories that were not instal-
led and/or delivered ex-factory.
In addition, this warranty does not apply if the defect was caused by one of the
Unauthorised use, improper handling (e.g. use in racing competitions or over-
loading), improper care and maintenance or unauthorised modifications to
your vehicle.
Non-compliance with instructions in the Owner's Manual or other factory-
supplied instructions.
External causes or influences (e.g. accidents, hail, flooding etc.).
Parts fitted or connected on or in the vehicle whose use has not been ap-
proved by ŠKODA AUTO, or modification of the vehicle in a manner not ap-
proved by ŠKODA AUTO (e.g. tuning).
Damage caused by you that was not immediately seen to by a specialist ga-
rage or was not rectified properly.
It is the customer's responsibility to prove that s/he is not the cause of the
This ŠKODA warranty does not affect the purchaser's statutory rights from
materials defect liability from the vehicle vendor and other potential claims
from product liability laws.
Due to the requirements of the generally binding country-specific regula-
tions, the date of first registration can be given instead of the date of the ve-
hicle handover.
materials defect liability and ŠKODA warranty for new cars