Steam iron
Specifications Product highlights
3x easier
• Extra-large water inlet
• Extra-long cord: 3 m
• Extra-clear water level indicator
Fast and powerful ironing
• Power for quick heat-up and constant high steam:
Easily removes creases
• Steam boost for the most stubborn creases: 90 g/
• Continuous high steam for better crease removal:
• Fine Spray: Fine spray evenly moistens the fabric
• Pointed tip: For ironing tricky areas
• Vertical steam: For hanging fabrics
Smooth gliding
• Careeza soleplate
Comfortable ironing
• 360 degree swivel: Provides maximum freedom
during ironing
• Integrated cord winder for easy storage
Technical Specifications
• Voltage: 220-240 V
• Power: 2200 W
• Frequency: 50-60 Hz
• Dimensions: 303 x 120 x 152 cm
• Weight: 1.34 kg
• Watertank capacity: 300 ml
Issue date 2008-07-05
Version: 3.1
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Extra-large water inlet
With the extra-large water inlet, adding water to your
iron is quick and easy. It only takes a few seconds, and
there’s no more risk of spilling water everywhere!
Extra-long cord lenght
With EasyCare’s extra-long 3m cord, youcan easily reach
right up to the edges of your ironing board – and further!
Highly visible water level
EasyCare’s extra-clear indicator makes thewater level
highly visible, so you always know if you have enough
water at a glance.
Pointed tip
The Pointed tip makes ironing along buttons and seams