Initialization ................... It takes up to 20 minutes for GPS position fixing
when it is used for the first time or after a master reset
has been performed. This time can be reduced by
entering initialization values such as estimated posi-
tion, time and antenna height.
Keel ................................ The center of the hull, running from the bow to the
Kick-up bracket .............. A bracket which is installed on the transom of a vessel
used for holding the transducer in place. It will release
and kick up out of the water to prevent damage to the
transducer, such as when striking an object in the
Manual sequencing mode ....
The unit sounds the arrival alarm and the operator
will manually press key to step to next leg in the route
plan when it is safe to do so.
Master reset..................... A function for clearing all settings and returning to
the factory set values (default values). Two types of
master resets are provided. A soft reset clears all data
exept for waypoint and route plan data. A hard reset
clears all data.
NMEA0183.................... National Marine Electrical Association 0183. Associa-
tion establishing international standards for communi-
cations between navigational equipment and the
standard established by NMEA
Off-course alarm ............. An alarm indicating that the vessel has deviated more
than a set distance from a predetermined course.
Port ................................. Left (nautical term).
Position fixing ................. The process of deriving the current location of a vessel
using GPS or DGPS sensor.
Range ............................. The depth scale which you can set to either automatic
or manual. The range value appears at the bottom
right of your display.
Route plan ...................... A plan that registers plural waypoints in a navigational
Sensitivity ....................... The ability of a receiver to receive echoes of different
strengths. You should use more sensitivity for deep
water, and less sensitivity for shallow water.
Starboard ........................ Right (nautical term).
Stern ............................... The rear of a vessel (nautical term).
Transducer ...................... A device mounted on the transom of a vessel or
through the hull. It sends and receives ultrasonic
signals which determine seabed conditions and the
presence of marine life.
Transom.......................... The back vertical portion of the hull.
Zoom.............................. This refers to the magnification of the display to better
identify objects or structure.