Wiring Kit, Gas & Pellet Inserts
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Gas Insert Installation (continued)
5. With the appliance in place, run the conduit through the fireplace to the junction box.
NOTE: leave extra slack in the conduit to allow for servicing of the appliance.
Junction Box
(mounted outside the fireplace)
Conduit may be run through a suitable hole
or ash trap (you may wish to seal this area
to prevent cold air infiltration).
Do not run the conduit
under the insert.
Attach the "This fireplace has been altered..."
plate to the fireplace (included with the insert).
You may wish to place it in a location where it
will be covered by the surround panels.
Pellet Insert Installation
1. Disconnect the wires leading to the power cord following the directions below.
Power Cord
Disconnect the
ground wire.
Disconnect the
common lead from the
wiring harness.
Disconnect the hot lead
from the fuse assembly.