Data transmission from the instrument to the PC is now much easier
with the new HI 92000 Windows® compatible application software
(optional). HI 92000 also offers an on-line help feature.
Simply run your desired spread sheet and open the file downloaded
by HI 92000. Data can be further elaborated with graphics, statis-
tical analysis, etc. using the most diffused spread sheet programs
(e.g. Excel©, Lotus 1-2-3©).
To install HI 92000 you need a 3.5" drive and a few minutes to
follow the instructions printed on the disk label.
To connect your meter to the PC use the optional Hanna HI 920010
cable connector. Make sure that your meter is switched off and plug
the connectors, one into the meter RS232C socket and the other into
the serial port of your PC.
Note: Cables other than HI 920010 may use a different configura-
tion, in which case, communication between the meter and
the PC may not be possible.
If you are not using Hanna Instruments HI 92000 application
software, please find below some additional information to help you
link-up to your PC.
Setting the Baud Rate and the Command Prefix
The baud rate of the meter and of the external device must be the
same. To set the baud rate of the meter press COMM, the primary
LCD shows the current baud rate.
The following baud rates can be selected
with the "VC" or "WC" key: 150, 300,
600, 1200 (factory setting) and 2400.
Press CFM to confirm the setting. The primary LCD will show the
current command prefix (factory setting is 16).
Note: The Command Prefix must not be changed when using
Hanna HI 92000 Software.
(pH 212 AND H 212 AND
H 212 AND H 212 AND
H 212 AND pp
pH 213 ONLY)H 213 ONLY)
H 213 ONLY)H 213 ONLY)
H 213 ONLY)
Excel© Copyright of "Microsoft Co."
Lotus 1-2-3© Copyright of "Lotus Co."
Windows® is registered Trademark of "Microsoft Co."
Select, if necessary, a different command
prefix (between 0 and 47) by pressing the
"VC" or "WC" key.
Press CFM to confirm the setting.
Sending Commands from PC
With any terminal program it is possible to remotely control your
meter. Use HI 920010 cable to connect the meter to a PC, start the
terminal program and set the communication options as follows: 8, N,
1, no flow control.
Command Types
To send a command to the pH meter the scheme is:
<DLE> <
This line makes the computer send a Data Link Escape character, the
command expressed as a 3-character sequence and a CR character.
Note: All the terminal programs that support the ANSI escape se-
quence, represent the DLE character by the string '^P' and
the CR character by the string '^M'.
Commands not requiring an answer from the pH meter:
PHR sets the range to pH
MVR sets the range to mV (pH 213 only)
CAL is equivalent to pressing the CAL key
CFM is equivalent to pressing the CFM key
UPC is equivalent to pressing the VC key
DWC is equivalent to pressing the WC key
MEM is equivalent to pressing the MEM key
MRR is equivalent to pressing the MR key
COM is equivalent to pressing the COMM key
OFF sets the meter in standby mode
Commands requiring an answer:
pH? Causes the meter to send the pH reading ("Err 1" is sent if
out of range). If the range is set to mV, "Err 6" is sent.
MV? Causes the meter to send the mV reading ("Err 2" is sent if
out of range). If the range is set to pH, "Err 6" is sent.
TM? Causes the meter to send the temperature reading ("Err 3" is
sent if out of range).
These commands may be sent with either capital or small letters.
Invalid commands will be ignored. The characters sent by the meter
are always capital letters. When the meter receives an unknown or a
corrupted command, it will send a character CAN (ASCII Code 24).