Figure 1: Indoor Upright (Models 35 - 100) ............................... 2
Figure 2: Indoor Upright (Models 125 - 450) .............................3
Figure 3: Indoor Horizontal (Models 35 -100)............................4
Figure 4: Indoor Horizontal (Models 125 - 450)......................... 5
Figure 5: Outdoor Upright (Models 35 - 100) ............................ 6
Figure 6: Outdoor Upright (Models 125 - 400) ..........................7
Figure 7: Outdoor Horizontal (Models 35 - 100)........................ 8
Figure 8: Outdoor Horizontal (Models 125 - 400)...................... 9
Figure 9: Control Enclosure Door (Inside)............................... 10
Figure 10: 8.1 Remote Panel................................................... 10
Figure 11: 8.5 Remote Panel................................................... 10
Figure 12: Upright Model Dimensions (Models 35 - 125)........ 16
Figure 13: Horizontal Model Dimensions (Models 35 - 125) ... 17
Figure 14: Upright Model Dimensions (Models 150 - 450)...... 18
Figure 15: Horizontal Model Dimensions
(Models 150 - 450)................................................. 19
Figure 16: Percentage of Airflow Capacity..............................21
Figure 17: Internal Static Pressure .........................................21
Figure 18: Lifting a Horizontal Air Handler............................... 26
Figure 19: Lifting an Upright Air Handler ................................. 26
Figure 20: Air Handler Assembly - Horizontal
(Models 150 - 450)................................................. 28
Figure 21: Air Handler Assembly - Upright
(Models 150 - 450)................................................. 29
Figure 22: Waffle Pad Isolator .................................................30
Figure 23: Pad Isolator Installation Instructions ......................31
Figure 24: Hanging Isolators...................................................32
Figure 25: Hanger Isolators’ Installation Instructions ..............32
ure 26: Hanging Rods’ Installation Instructions
(Models 35 - 125)................................................... 33
Figure 27: Hanging Rods’ Installation Instructions
(Models 150 - 450)................................................. 34
Figure 28: Pad Mounting of Neoprene Isolator.......................35
Figure 29: Pad Mounting Instructions for Neoprene Isolator
(Models 35 - 125)................................................... 36
Figure 30: Pad Mounting Instructions for Neoprene Isolator
(Models 150 - 450)................................................. 37
Figure 31: Pad Mounting of Spring Isolator ............................38
Figure 32: Pad Mounting Instructions for Spring Isolator
(Models 35 - 125)................................................... 39
Figure 33: Pad Mounting Instructions for Spring Isolator
(Models 150 - 450)................................................. 40
Figure 34: Roof Curb............................................................... 42
Figure 35: Curb Mounting (Models 35 -125) ...........................43
Figure 36: Curb Mounting (Models 150 - 450) ........................44
Figure 37: Upright Stand Detail (Models 35 - 100).................. 46
Figure 38: Upright Stand Detail (Models 125 - 450)................ 46
Figure 39: Stand Mounting Detail (Models 125 - 450) ............ 47
Figure 40: Filter Section Installation on Horizontal Air
Handler .................................................................. 49
Figure 41: Filter Section Installation on Upright Air Handler ... 50
Figure 42: Mixing Box Section Installation on Horizontal
Air Handler............................................................. 52
Figure 43: Mixing Box Section Installation on Upright Air
Handler .................................................................. 53
Figure 44: Inlet Hood Installation to Air Handler
(Models 35 - 125)................................................... 55
Figure 45: Horizontal Service Platform (Models 35 - 450) ...... 61
Figure 46: Upright Service Platform (Models 35 - 450)........... 62
Figure 47: Discharge Damper Installation for Horizontal Air
Handler with Bottom Discharge ............................. 64
Figure 48: Inlet Damper .......................................................... 65
Figure 49: Discharge Heads ................................................... 67
Figure 50: Double Deflection Discharge Louvers.................... 68
Figure 51: Condensate Drain ................................................. 71
Figure 52: Typical "Type J" Burner.......................................... 72
Figure 53: Typical "Type C" Burner ......................................... 73
Figure 54: "Type J" Burner with Flame Rod - Natural Gas
Only (Not for use with LPG)................................... 73
Figure 55: "Type J" Burner with Ultraviolet Scanner - Natural
Gas or LPG ............................................................74
Figure 56: "Type C" Burner with Ignition Electrode - Natural
Gas or LPG ........................................................... 75
Figure 57: "Type C" Burner with Ignition Electrode - Oil ......... 76
Figure 58: Manifold Diagram for Gas-Fired Air Handler with any
FM-Compliant Manifold/XL-Compliant Manifold Rated
for Less Than 1,000 MBH (293 kW) and with On/Off or
High/Low/Off B
urners ............................................ 79
Figure 59: Manifold Diagram for Gas-Fired Air Handler with any
FM-Compliant Manifold/XL-Compliant Manifold Rated
for Less Than 1,000 MBH (293 kW) and with
Modulating Burner ................................................. 80
Figure 60: Manifold Diagram for Gas-Fired Air Handler with XL-
Compliant Manifold Rated for More Than 1,000 MBH
(293 kW) and with On/Off or High/Low/Off Burner 81
Figure 61: Manifold Diagram for Gas-Fired Air Handler with XL-
Compliant Manifold Rated for More Than 1,000 MBH
(293 kW) and with Modulating Burner ................... 82
Figure 62: Test Port Location ................................................. 83
Figure 63: Location of Side Orifice.......................................... 84
Figure 64: Two-Pipe Oil System............................................. 85
Figure 65: Suntec Two Step Pump......................................... 86
Figure 66: Webster 3450 RPM Blower Motor Driven Oil Pump86
Figure 67: FM or XL-Compliant Manifold for Air Handlers with
Suntec Pump and On/Off Burner........................... 86
Figure 68: FM or XL-Compliant Manifold for Air Handlers with
Suntec Pump and High/Low/Off Burner................. 87
Figure 69: FM or XL-Compliant Manifold for Air Handlers with
Webster Pump and High/Low/Off Burner............... 87
Figure 70: FM or XL-Compliant Manifold for Air Handlers with
Webster Pump and Fully-Modulating Burner ......... 88
Figure 71: Typical Linkage for a Combination Gas/Oil Burner 89
Figure 72: Burner Oil Pump Shaft Coupling Location ............. 90
Figure 73: Remote Oil Pump .................................................. 91
Figure 74: Wiring Diagram Key ............................................... 95
Figure 75: Wiring Diagram for Gas-Fired Air Handler with FM-
Compliant Manifold and On/Off Burner with Input Less
Than 2,500 MBH (732.7 kW)................................. 96
Figure 76: Wiring Diagram for Gas-Fired Air Handler with FM-
Compliant Manifold and High/Low/Off Burner with
Input Less Than 2,500 MBH (732.7 kW) ............... 97
Figure 77: Wiring Diagram for Gas-Fired Air Handler with FM-
Compliant Manifold and High/Low/Off Burner with
Input 2,500 to 5,000 MBH (732.7 - 1465.4 kW)..... 98
Figure 78: Wiring Diagram for Gas-Fired Air Handler with FM-
Compliant Manifold and High/Low/Off Burner with
Input More Than 5,000 MBH (1465.4 kW)............. 99
Figure 79: Wiring Diagram for Gas-Fired Air Handler with FM-
Compliant Manifold and Fully-