Whirlpool ARL 478/G User guide

User guide

This manual is also suitable for

Do not throw the packing into the garbage: first sort out the
different materials (i.e.: steel, cardboard, polystyrene) fol-
lowing local regulations.
This appliance is free of CFC’s (refrigerant circuit contains
R134a) or free of HFC’s (refrigerant circuit contains R600a
Isobutane). For more details, p lease refer to the rating plate
on the a ppliance.
For appliances with Isobutane (R600a)
The refrigerant Isobutane is a natural gas of high environ-
mental compatibility but which is inflammable. Therefore, it
is essential to ensure that the ducts of the refrigerant circuit
do not get d amaged.
Declaration of conformity
This appliance is intended to come into contact with f oods-
tuffs and conforms to D.L. 108 of 25.01.1992 (European Di-
rective 89/109/EEC).
It is a combined refrigerator/freezer.
The freezer compartment, situated at the bottom, allows the
perfect storage of fresh and cooked foods, the production of
ice cubes and the storage of fresh and frozen foods.
The refrigerator compartment, which is provided with auto-
defrost, allows the storage of fresh foods and beverages.
This appliance is provided with two motors: the refrigerator
and freezer compartments may be used separately.
Please read these instructions carefully.
They include a full description of your appliance and useful
hints to enable you to achieve the correct performances re-
quired to store foods.
(Fig. 1)
Refrigerator compartment
Light switch
Refrigerator compartment control b utton (thermostat)
Freezer compartment control b utton (thermostat)
Yellow luminous switch for fast freeze
Green luminous light for operation
Green pilot lamp for critical temperatures in the freezer
Grids (adjustable in height and in some models in incli-
nation; some models may also be provided with a grid
with flap)
Glass separator (if provided)
Refrigerator inner door liner with adjustable compart-
ments (in some models a butter compartment is pro-
Freezer compartment with storage and freezing-in
Please ensure that your appliance is undamaged.
Any transport damage must be reported to your dealer
within 24 h of receipt.
Do not install the appliance near to heat sources such as
cookers, central heating, boilers, sunlight, etc.
It must however be located in a well ventilated dry space.
Leave a 5 0 mm space betveen the top of the appliance and
any kitchen furniture (Fig. 2). The appliance should stand
level, this can be achieved by adjusting the front feet
(Fig. 3).
If the appliance is provided with spacers, fit them at the top
of the condenser (Fig. 4) .
The door support is for transport purposes only (Fig. 5).
Clean the inside of the liners with a sponge dampened in a
solution of lukewarm water and vinegar.
Fit the accessories as illustrated in Fig. 1 and Fig. 8.
Please check that the voltage on the rating plate (Fig. 6),
which is situated at the right hand s ide of the crisper, corres-
ponds to the voltage in your home (Fig. 7).
The earthing of this appliance is compulsory by law. The
manufacturer will accept no liability for injury to per-
sons or damage to objects arising from the non-obser-
vance of this r equirement.
Let the appliance to stand for one hour prior to connecting it
to the mains.
(For Great Britain only)
Fuse replacement.
If the mains lead of this appliance is fitted with a BS 1363A
13 amp fused plug, to change a fuse in this type of plug use
an A.S.T.A. approved fuse to BS 1362 type and proceed as
1. Remove the fuse cover (A) and fuse (B).
2. Fit replacement 13A fuse into fuse cover.
3. Refit both into plug.
The f use cover must be refitted when chang-
ing a fuse and
if the fuse cover is lost the plug must not be
used until a correct replacement is fitted.
Correct replacement are identified by the colour insert or the
colour embossed in words on the base of the plug.
Replacement fuse covers are available from your local elec-
trical store.
If the fitted plug is not suitable for your socket outlet, then it
should be cut off and disposed of in order to avoid a poss-
ible shock hazard should it be inserted into a 13A socket el-
A suitable altenative plug should then be fitted to the cable.
The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with
the following code;
BROWN - “LIVE” (“L”)
The GREEN AND YELLOW wire must b e connected to the
terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter “E” or by
the Earth symbol
or coloured green or green and yellow.
2. The BLUE wire must be connected to the terminal which
is marked with the letter “N” or coloured black.
3. The BROWN wire must be connected to the terminal
which is marked with t he letter “L” or coloured red.
For the Republic of Ireland only
The information given in respect of Great Britain will fre-
quently apply, but a third type of plug and socket is also
used, the 2-pin, side earth type. In this case, the wire which
is coloured GREEN AND YELLOW must be connected to the
EARTH contact, and the other two wires to the two pins, ir-
respective of colour. The supply to the socket must be fitted
with a 16 amp fuse.
BLUE (“N”)
Connection to a
If the plug and the wall socket do not comply, have the so-
cket replaced by a qualified electrician. He should also
check that the section of the socket wires can withstand the
power absorbed b y t he appliance. The use of adapters, mul-
tiple sockets and extension cords is not advisable.
If absolutely necessary, use simple or multiple adapters and
extension cords in compliance with local safety regulations
paying attention not to exceed the maximum amperage,
which is marked on the simple adaptors and on extension
cords and that of the t otal power marked on the multiple
When the appliance is connected, the following devices
switch on:
Freezer compartment
- The green luminous switch
, if it is in t he on position.
- The red alarm/pilot lamp
. It will remain alight until the
correct storage temperature has been reached (see chapter
“Adjusting the temperature of the freezer compartment”).
This pilot lamp switches on when:
a) the door of the freezer compartment has been left open
for a long time
b) the appliance has been loaded with fresh foods to be fro-
c) the interior t emperature is not correct.
- The yellow luminous fast freeze switch
, if this is in the on
Refrigerator compartment
- The interior light, if the door is opened and the temperature
selector knob
is not on position x (temporaneous inter-
ruption of operation).
After selection of the temperatures as indicated in the relev-
ant chapters, three hours approx. are required in the freezer
compartment to reach the correct storage temperatures and
a s hort time is required in the refrigerator compartment to
reach the correct storage temperatures.
The temperature is controlled by the thermostat knob (Fig. 1
). At an ambient temperature included b etween +20
and +25
C, and a normal load of foods, we suggest you ad-
just the thermostat knob to position 3.
If you need colder temperatures in the compartment turn the
thermostat knob to the higher settings, position 4 - 5. Con-
trarily if the temperature in the compartment is too cold, turn
the knob to the lower settings, position 2 - 1.
We remind you t hat internal temperatures are affected by
the location of the appliance, the temperature of the sur-
rounding air and the frequency of door opening.
for these factors. The operation of the refrigerator compart-
ment may be interrupted turning the thermostat knob
The temperature is adjusting with the thermostat knob (Fig.
), situated on the control p anel. In normal ambient condi-
tions (ambient temperature included between +20
C), we suggest you turn the knob to position 3.
This position allows you to obtain the ideal -18
temperature for frozen foods for a long time, with the less
energy consumption. If the interior temperature is colder or
warmer than -18
C, adjust the thermostat control knob to
position 1 or to position 5 respectively. We remind you that
internal temperatures are affected by the location of the ap-
pliance, the temperature of the s urrounding air and the fre-
quency of door opening. The setting of the thermostat may
have to be varied to allow for these factors. The operation of
the f reezer compartment may be interrupted by pressing
(green light off).
(Fig. 8)
All items stored in the refrigerator compartment should be
wrapped in alluminium or plastic sheeting or kept in a cove-
red container. This prevents food from becoming dry on the
surface and stops strong smells and flavours being transfer-
red from one food to another. The coldest section of the refri-
gerator compartment is immediately above the crisper dra-
wer. Different foods are best stored in the positions indi-
cated hereafter.
Meats; sausages, fish, etc. These should be stored on the
shelf nearest the crisper.
Cooked foods, pies, jellies, etc; these should be stored on
the top grids.
Eggs, cheese and dairy produces; these should be stored
in the refrigerator compartment door.
Fruits and vegetables: storeinthecrisperdrawer.
Canned food: once the can has been opened, transfer unu-
sed food into a non-metallic container.
Do not place foodstuffs or containers against the
Do not line the shelves with paper or plastic.
Allow cooked food to cool before storing in the refrigerator
Defrosting of the refrigerator compartment is completely au-
tomatic: the defrost water is conveyed into a tray on the
compressor casing situated at the rear of the appliance,
where it evaporates thanks to the heat produced during the
(Fig. 8)
In the freezer compartment, marked by the
symbol, it
is possible to freeze-in fresh or cooked foods, to produce ice
cubes and to store commercially frozen foods. The maxi-
mum storage volume is obtained removing the basket and
positioning the foods directly on the refrigerating grids.
Due to the efficacity of the door seal, it is not always possible
to open the compartment door immediately after closing it:
wait some minutes and then try again.
The maximum quantity, (in kg.) of foods which may be fro-
zen in a 24 h period, at an ambient temperature of 2 5
C, is
indicated on t he rating plate (Fig. 6).
The freezing-in compartment is situated at the top (Fig. 1
). If you need to freeze-in large quantities of foods we sug-
gest you push the fast freeze button
(Fig. 1) (yellow pilot
on) 24 h prior to freezing-in and you leave it on for 24
hours after the introduction of foods.
Please do not modify the position of the thermostat knob.
Position the foods and remove the refrigerating grids. Do not
forget to switch off button
at completion of freezing-in. Do
not store warm f oods in the freezer.
Do not re-freeze thawed or partially thawed foods. Refreeze
them after cooking. Wrap foods in aluminium foils or poly-
thene bags or place them in the appropriate containers.
Label each pack indicating the freezing-in date and the con-
tents. Further detailed information are given in the freezing
guide provided with the appliance. We remind you that the
freezer compartment maintains t he correct storage tempe-
rature for 14/18 hours after a power failure.
Some models are provided with cold packs (eutectics).
Place them in the freezing-in compartment in strict contact
with the foods to lengthen the storage time up to 32/35
hours in case of a power failure. During this period, we sug-
gest you leave the freezer compartment door closed.
Fill the tray up to 3/4 of their height, then place them in the
freezing-in compartment.
Attention: Do not eat ice cubes or ice lollies immediately
after removal from the freezer compartment as they may
give rise to “cold” burns. Do not store glass containers with
liquids (fizzy drinks, water) in the freezer compartment. Only
use plastic containers.
When buying deep frozen foods, make sure that wrapper or
packet is intact. If it bulges or sags or has spots of moisture
on it, it may not have been kept cold enough and the con-
tents may have lost their original quality.
When home, store deep frozen foods in t he low t emperature
compartment with the least possible delay, as any appreci-
able rise in temperature may adulterate their freshness.
Store deep frozen foods no longer than the packet instruc-
tions recommend.
Here are some basic suggestions:
Raw vegetables: do not thaw, put straight into boiling water
and cook as usual.
Meat (large cuts): thaw in the refrigerator compartment wi-
thout unwrapping them. Before cooking, leave at room tem-
perature for some hours, or defrost using your microwave.
Please follow t he Manufacturers’ recommendations.
(small cuts): thaw at room temperature or cook directly.
Fish: thaw in the refrigerator compartment without unwrap-
ping or cook directly before being completely thawed.
Previously cooked foods: re-heat in the oven without re-
moving from its aluminium container.
Fruits: thaw in the refrigerator compartment.
Defrost the appliance once or twice a year, when the layer of
frost on the walls of the freezer compartment reaches a 3
mm thickness.
Proceed as follows:
- Disconnect the appliance f rom the mains (Fig. 9).
- Remove the ice trays.
- Wrap frozen foods in several layers of newspaper and
place them in the refrigerator compartment.
- Remove a ll the baskets.
- Remove the drain cap.
- Place a tray under the drain to collect the defrost water
(Fig. 10).
- Leave the compartment door open.
Do not use sharp or cutting instruments. Any damage
caused by the use of such instruments is not covered by
guarantee. At the completion of defrosting, dry carefully, re-
position the cap and the baskets and reconnect t he ap-
pliance to the mains. Set the thermostat knob to position 3
for 4 hours approx., then replace foods in the freezer and ad-
just the thermostat knob to its normal operating position.
Attention: A temperature rise of frozen foods during de-
frosting may shorten their s torage life.
A p eriodic and proper maintenance will ensure a longer life
to your appliance. When carrying out cleaning operations
or maintenance, always disconnect the appliance from
the mains supply. Periodically clean t he inside of the refri-
gerator and freezer compartments with a sponge dampe-
ned in a solution of lukewarm water and vinegar. Rinse and
dry carefully.
Never use detergents or abrasives. Some appliances are fit-
ted with a drain filter. To allow a paper water-flow, clean per-
iodically the filter placed under the drain hose using the
plastic tool provided with the appliance (Fig. 11).Cleanthe
outside of the appliance with a sponge dampened in warm
water. Dry carefully with a s oft cloth. Periodically clean the
condenser (Fig. 12) with a vacuum-cleaner.
Ifyouplantobeawayforalongtime:disconnect the ap-
pliance from the mains supply, empty and clean the inside
of the two compartments. Leave the doors open to prevent
the appliance f rom smelling musty.
Ifyouplantobeawayforashorttime:let the appliance
operate normally.
You can save energy to operate your appliance.
- Check the door gaskets.
- Ensure that the appliance is level to facilitate door closing.
- Periodically clean the
compartment of your ap-
pliance. Defrost it when the frost reaches a 3 mm thickness.
- Periodically clean the condenser.
- Open the doors only when necessary; close them imme-
diately after removing foods.
- Do not set the thermostat knob to extremely cold p ositions;
you waste energy.
- Ensure that the appliance is not installed near a heat
source such as cookers, radiators, water heater or to direct
The incorrect operation of the appliance is not always due to
a fault but it may also result from poor installation or usage.
To prevent unnecessary service calls for which you will be
charged, we suggest you consult this trouble-shooting
1. The temperature in the compartments is not cold
enough. Check t hat:
- the doors are properly shut
- the thermostats are in the correct position
- the appliance is not too close to a heat source
- the condenser (black grill) is clean (Fig. 12)
- the air flow is not restricted.
2. The temperature in the refrigerator compartment is
too cold.
Check that:
- the thermostat control knob is in the correct position.
3. The appliance is excessively noisy. Check that:
- the appliance is not in contact with adjacent fitments which
may cause noise due to vibration.
- the refrigeration system pipe-works at the rear of the cabi-
net are not vibrating or the pipes do not touch each other.
4. The appliance does not work at all and the interior
light is off.
Check that:
- the supply plug is making good contact with the supply so-
- there is not a power failure.
- the thermostat control knob is on position
- check the plug fuse by connecting another appliance to
the supply s ocket.
- the supply cable is broken.
5. Water on the floor of the refrigerator compartment.
Check that:
- the thermostat correctly set;
- the defrost water drainage system is not blocked;
- the filter in the drain hole is not obstructed (see chapter
“Maintenance”) (Fig. 13).
6. The interior light does not work
See point 4. Unplug the appliance and remove the lamp
Check that the bulb is not loose - tighten it if necessary.
To change the faulty bulb, proceed as above and fit a repla-
cement bulb of not more than 15 W rating (Fig. 15).
7. The door seal is warm (Fig. 14).
It is not a fault - it prevents the formation of condensation.
Note: When replacing a damaged supply cord, be sure the
new cord is correctly clamped.
If you have followed t he above checks and your appliance
still does not work properly, get in touch with the Service Di-
vision. Addresses and telephone numbers can be found on
the Service Registration Card.
State clearly what is wrong and the type and s erial number
of your appliance. These d ata are on the rating plate (Fig. 6).
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Whirlpool ARL 478/G User guide

User guide
This manual is also suitable for

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