faster. Super telephoto lenses of 300mm and
up — 1/500 second or faster.
If the viewfinder needle enters the red zone
Warning against over-exposure. A shutter speed
faster than 1 /1000 second is required for pro-
per exposure, but the shutter will be released
at 1/1000 second. Since this is beyond the
range of your OM-2 and an overexposed photo-
graph would result, turn the lens aperture ring
to a higher F stop until the meter needle moves
out of the red zone.
If the viewfinder needle enters the blue
"AUTO" zone Indication for long time ex-
posure. A shutter speed longer than 1 second
is required for proper exposure.
Your OM-2 provides for automatic exposures
from 1 second to 120 seconds (with ASA 100
at normal temperature and humidity). If you
wish to close the shutter during a long time
exposure under AUTO operation, turn the
selector lever to the OFF position, and the
shutter closes.
CAUTION: Do not advance the film while
the mirror is up during an automatic exposure,
or the mirror will lock up.
The Shutter Speed-Preferred System
Should you wish to select a shutter speed to meet
a specific photographic situation (e.g., stopping
fast action, eliminating camera movement or con-
trolling depth-of-field), you may use a shutter
speed-preferred method of automatic exposure
control. To use this system:
Set the selector lever to the "AUTO" position.
Look through the viewfinder and turn the
aperture ring until the viewfinder needlepoints
at the desired shutter speed.