Rear of vehicle
Air/Electric lines: Make sure that air hoses are not cut, cracked,
chafed or worn. Listen for audible air leaks,
Make sure air and electrical lines are not
tangled, crimped or pinched or being dragged
against any truck parts. Electrical line
insulation should not be cut, cracked, chafed
or worn. None of the air or electrical line
should be spliced or taped. Check for
corrosion on pins and in electrical sockets to
ensure continuity and reduced heat build-up
Deck plate: Make sure deck plate is clean, securely bolted
to the frame and clear of loose objects.
Signal/Brake lights: Make sure both brake lights illuminate when
the brake pedal is applied. Also, make sure
each signal flashes. Make sure that four-way
flashers work properly.
Lights, reflectors: Make sure all lights illuminate and are clean.
Make sure headlights function on both high
and low beams. Make sure reflectors are clean
and unbroken and of proper color (red on
rear, amber elsewhere). Make sure the running
lights are also clean and unbroken. Rear
running lights must be checked separately
from signal, flasher and brake lights.
Tractor - coupling system
Mounting bolts: Check for loose or missing mounting brackets,
clamps, bolts or nuts. Both fifth wheel and
slide mounting must be solidly attached.
Platform: Check for cracks or breaks in the platform
Safety latch: Make sure safety latch is engaged.
Release arm: Make sure safety latch is in the engaged
position and that any safety latch is in place.
2008 F-650/750 (f67)
USA (fus)
Vehicle Inspection Guide