Loggicar BT Transport recorder
External dimensions:
Recorder has 4 measurement channels to which you can
connect sensors to measure temperature or temperature and
humidity and 4 digital channels to connect the sensors control
door closing / opening. The device communicates with the
sensors wirelessly via radio, providing full supervision over the
cold room of the vehicle. Memory of the recorder (non-
volatile) memory allows you to store about 32000
measurements. When the memory is full the oldest samples
are deleted and the new ones are added (overwritten). The
content of the recorder's memory (for archiving purposes) can
be transferred to a computer using the Loggisoft LC program
(option) or with the LoggicarBT application on a smartphone
using the Bluetooh module for communication. The integrated
graphical display (OLED) enables local visualisation of the
measurements and facilitates the operation of the device.
www.mikster.com.pl MIKSTER Sp. z o.o. 41-250 Czeladź, ul. Wojkowicka 21, tel. 32 763 77 77 fax: 32 763 75 94 email: info@mikster.pl