Site Guide Addendum
Part Number: 1013117 C Release Date: October 2004
Site Guide Addendum
The information in this addendum applies to all instrument line site guides that are
included on the Operator’s Documentation CD, part number 1008281.
Source Exhaust
The requirements in this section apply to the API 4000™ and 4000 Q TRAP® instruments.
Source Exhaust Requirement
The source exhaust gas requirement is between a minimum of 55 psi and a maximum
60 psi.
The requirements in this section apply to all instruments.
Venting Device Operation
The devices for venting the instrument must operate properly whenever the instrument
power is on, waste is in the waste container, or reagents are being used on the instrument.
WARNING! The lab ventilation system integrity is vital for safe operation of the
Ventilation Device Requirement
The laboratory ventilation device should produce an average airflow velocity of
30 linear m/min, or 100 linear ft/min.
Air Exchange
The air exchange requirement in this section applies to all instruments.
Air Exchange Requirement
For safe operation, the instrument must be placed in a properly ventilated laboratory
Note: As a guideline for a typical laboratory environment, the outdoor air exchange
requirements for ventilation can be referenced from the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard
62-2001, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.
Based on an estimated maximum occupancy of 30 people per 1000 ft2, or 100 m2, the
outdoor air exchange requirement is 20 cfm/person.