Other Uses ForThe Pressure Cooker
The pressure cooker is an excellent tool to
can fruits, vegetables and fish, preserving foods
to enjoy later. However, it is very important to get
as much information as possible to avoid any
potential food poisoning. Please consult these
recommended Websites and books:
“Putting Food By,” by Ruth Hertzberg, Janet Greene
and Beatrice Vaughan
“So Easy To Preserve,” Bulletin 989, by Cooperative
Extension Service/The University of Georgia, College
of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Athens.
Call 706-542-8999 to order.
The pressure cooker is ideal for sterilizing
infants’ bottles, nipples, small instruments etc.
The bacteria are quickly and reliably killed by the
high temperature of the boiling water. Place the
objects to be sterilized on the perforated insert in
the pressure cooker. Add 1 cup water. Turn off
the heat when the second red ring appears on
the pressure indicator and use the Natural
Release Method, see page 10.
Any type of food which requires steaming
such as custards, puddings, pates or terrines,
can be cooked in the pressure cooker. Be sure
to cover the mold tightly, and leave enough room
around the sides of the mold for good circulation
of the steam. To lower and lift the mold in and
out of the pressure cooker use a folded piece of
foil. Cut a piece of foil 2 feet by 1 foot and dou-
ble it twice lengthwise. Always place the mold on
a perforated trivet or steamer basket, and add at
least 1 cup of water. More water may be neces-
sary if the steaming time is over one hour.
Usually, pressure cooking time will be 1/3 of the
time ordinarily called for in the recipe.
Without the special lid, the pressure cooker
can be used like an ordinary saucepan. KUHN
RIKON makes several different models in a fry-
pan shape. All are well suited for frying, braising
and sautéing without the special lid. The waffle-
textured bottom prevents sticking. Optional glass
lids are available for all models, see page 90.
Water Bath
or Bain Marie
The USDA Home Canning
Guide is available from: