Madison Park CD 27

Astria Fireplaces Madison Park CD 27 Instruction Sheet

  • Hello! I've reviewed the provided addendum for IHP gas appliances. This document focuses on clarifying compliance with the CSA P.4.1-2015 standard for measuring fireplace efficiency and supersedes previous documentation. I'm here to answer your questions about it.
  • What type of appliances does this addendum apply to?
    What is the purpose of this addendum?
    What happens to previous CSA P.4.1 information?
Printed in U.S.A. © 2017 Innovative Hearth Products
P/N 900865-00 Rev. NC 10/2017
IHP reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in design, materials, specifications, prices and also to discontinue colors, styles and products. Consult your local distributor for
fireplace code information.
1508 Elm Hill Pike, Suite 108 • Nashville, TN 37210
P/N 900865-00
Rev. NC, 10/2017
LISTED TO ANSI Z21.88 / CSA-2.33 OR Z21.50 / CSA-2.22
This addenda is to clarify that gas appliances manufactured by Innovative
Hearth Products (IHP), listed to ANSI Z21.88 / CSA-2.33 or Z21.50 / CSA-
2.22 are compliant with CSA P.4.1-2015 “Testing Method for Measuring
Annual Fireplace Efficiency."
This addendum supersedes CSA P.4.1 information in existing manuals ref-
erencing any version other than CSA P.4.1-2015.
Cette note supplémentaire est de clarifier que les appareils à gaz fabriqués
par Innovative Hearth Products (IHP), conforme au ANSI Z21.88 / CSA-2.33
ou Z21.50 / CSA-2.22 sont conformes à la norme CAN/CSA-P.4.1-2015 -
Méthode d’essai pour mesurer l’efficacité annuelle des foyers.
Cette note supplémentaire a annule et remplace l'information de la CSA
P.4.1 dans les manuels existants faisant référence à toute version autre
que CSA P.4.1-2015.
Based on CSA P. 4.1-2015
des foyers à gaz
Basée sur la norme CSA P. 4.1-02
Recherchez La cote
dans cette brochure
Basée sur la norme CSA P. 4.1-2015