For assistance with installation, call us at 507.246.3545
4 - Install Headrest Cover
q 4.1 - Put headrest back in seat by pressing plastic tabs and pushing down on headrest.
q 4.2 - Pull cover over head rest with “loop” Velcro in front and “hook” Velcro in rear.
q 4.3 - Fasten Velcro tabs together under headrest.
You have successfully installed your TigerTough Seat Cover.
We’re as impressed as you are! Tweet us a picture of your new covers @TigerToughGroup
Install Seat Back/Console Cover.
q 1.1 - Lay console down.
q 1.2 - Tip lid up.
q 1.3 - Pull cover over lid, lining latch handle up with hole in cover.
q 1.4 - Close lid and tip console up.
q 1.5 - Pull cover between seat back and bottom.
q 1.6 - Pull cover up and over seat back.
q 1.7 - Lay console down.
q 1.8 - Pull rear side straps tight and fasten to rear of console.
q 1.9 - Lay console down.
q 1.10 - Open console.
q 1.11 - Fasten side straps behind hole for lid latch.
Install Seat Bottom Cover.
q 2.1 - Tip seat bottom up.
q 2.2 - Pull cover over seat bottom.
q 2.3 - Pull side aps tight and fasten to bottom of seat cushion.
q 2.4 - Push top ap between seat back and seat bottom.
q 2.5 - Pull ap tight and fasten to Velcro on bottom of seat cover.