5 Ifthepulpcontainerbecomesfullduringuse,switchofftheappliance,carefullyremovethe
Note: Reassemble the empty pulp container before you continue juicing.
6 Afteryouhaveprocessedallingredientsandthejuiceowhasstopped,pourthejuicefrom
the jug into the glass.
, Ifthefoamseparatorisinthejuicejug,thefoamisremovedfromthejuice(Fig.7).
- Use fresh fruit and vegetables, as they contain more juice. Pineapples, beetroots, celery stalks,
apples, cucumbers, carrots, spinach, melons, tomatoes and grapes are particularly suitable for
processing in the juice extractor.
- You don’t have to remove thin peels or skins. Only remove thick peels, e.g. those of oranges,
pineapples and uncooked beetroots.
- If you want to juice fruits with stones, remove the stone before juicing.
- Apple juice turns brown very quickly. To slow down this process, add a few drops of lemon juice.
- Fruits that contain starch, such as bananas, papayas, avocados, gs and mangoes are not suitable
for processing in the juice extractor. Use a food processor, blender or hand blender to process
these fruits.
- Leaves and leaf stalks of e.g. lettuce can also be processed in the juice extractor.
- The juicer is not suitable for processing very hard and/or brous or starchy fruits or vegetables
such as sugar cane.
Juice 4 plums (stoned) and 2 whole apples in the juicer. Stir and serve immediately.
Juice 2 whole apples, 100g strawberries and 300g carrot in the juicer. Stir and serve immediately.
First put a very thin slice of ginger and then 1 apple in the juicer and juice them. Then juice another
2 whole apples, 100g pumpkin, 300g carrot and 1 beetroot (cooked). Stir and serve immediately.
Juice 300g ginger. You have to exert a higher pressing force (of up to 10kg) on the pusher.
Tip: If you want to use ginger juice more often to avour your home-made juices, you can prepare it in
advance. You can store the ginger juice in a sealed jar in the refrigerator for up to one week.
- 80g butter
- 1 liter vegetable broth
- 50ml horseradish juice (approx. 1 root)
- 250ml whipping cream
- 125ml white wine
- Lemon juice
- salt
- 3-4 tbsps our