A S L C O M M U N I C A T I O N S Y S T E M S RoXX-Series 301 Manual
by turning the knurled screw anti-clockwise. Take out
the battery holder. Insert four AA-size 1.5V batteries in The ASL RoXX -Series 301 Personal Headphone
the holder. Put the holder back into the unit, with the Amplifier can be modified for charging four Ni-MH
holders connection terminals pointing to the side cells in the unit. Consult your distributor for more
where the beltclip is mounted. Close the battery information. Whenever a RoXX 301 is prepared for
compartment by putting back the little coverplate and charging Ni-MH cells, normal batteries should not
turning the screw clockwise. The Personal Head- been used anymore and reverse voltage protection for
phone Amplifier is now ready to operate on batteries. the cells does not work anymore!
Always choose four identical batteries of the same
age. Rechargeable NiCd or Ni-MH 1.2V cells can be Mains Operation
used as well. The RoXX 301 is protected against The ASL RoXX -Series 301 Personal Headphone
reverse voltage. Amplifier can be powered by mains by using a mains
The ASL RoXX -Series 301 can be switched on by adaptor (not supplied with the RoXX 301). Choose an
pushing the power button (1). The unit will start adaptor with an input voltage that matches the local
whenever the total battery voltage is higher then 4.0V. mains voltage. The output of the adaptor needs to
The unit will work until the total battery voltage drops supply a DC-voltage between 9 and 24V at a current
below 2.5V. of 500mA (12 to 18V DC at a current of 1A when the
When the unit switches off because the battery RoXX 301 is prepared for charging Ni-MH cells). The
voltage is lower than 2.5V, the batteries will start to DC-voltage can be either unregulated or regulated.
recover a bit. The battery voltage rises, and when it Connect the adaptor via an appropriate plug to the
exceeds 4.0V, the unit will switch on again. By then, DC-in socket (16) at the side of the RoXX 301. The
the battery voltage will again go down, resulting in inner pin of the socket is hot (+), the sleeve is ground
switching off the unit at 2.5V. This frequently and (-). The unit is protected against reverse voltage.
automatically switching on and off means that the
batteries are empty and that they should be replaced.
Warning !
Always turn the unit on and off without the headphone
on your head.
Connecting and Monitoring Balanced Signals
The ASL RoXX -Series 301 Personal Headphone The Pan control knob (11) can be used to pan the
Amplifier has an independent section for balanced signal between the left and the right channel of the
signals and one for unbalanced signals. Balanced RoXX 301.
signals can be both microphone and line-level signals.
Speaker signals should not be connected to the The unbalanced input is DC and overvoltage protected
balanced input (they are mostly unbalanced and can (except for speaker signals with the Line/Mic. button in
be monitored with the unbalanced section of the ASL the Mic. position).
RoXX -Series 301).
Before connecting any balanced signal to the XLR The ASL RoXX -Series 301 Personal Headphone
connectors, turn the Balanced input Volume control Amplifier is not equipped with a phantom-power
(10) down. Press the Line/Mic. button (9) if you plan to facility. Nevertheless, sources which are phantom-
connect a microphone level signal. Release the powered by another device can be monitored.
Line/Mic. button if you plan to connect a line-level
signal. Connect the balanced signal to one of the XLR Connecting the RoXX 301 to the circuit of source and
connectors (the other one is for loop thru, the male phantom-powering device will cause clicking of both
and female connectors are paralleled). Turn up the the headphone amplifier and the other device (the
Balanced input Volume control (10) carefully and you input capacitors of the RoXX 301 need to be charged).
will hear the connected balanced signal. To reduce or prevent this clicking, a so-called ground-
The volume control button not only acts as a volume connectors of that cable) can be used.
control but it in fact controls the gain of the
preamplifier and the signal level send to the power-
amps at the same time. This reduces noise and
creates the capability to handle a great range of input
signals with only one knob.
Monitoring phantom powered signals
lift cable (e.g. pin 1 not connected in one of the XLR
Connecting and Monitoring Unbalanced Signals
The ASL RoXX -Series 301 Personal Headphone Unbalanced signals may be signals produced by
Amplifier has an independent section for unbalanced instrument pick-ups (electric guitar), line outs of
signals and one for balanced signals. mixers, CD-players etc. or speaker signals. They can
range from -16dBu to (almost)+4. For your own safety