620-7862 C
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Transmitter PROGRAMMING MODES (900MHz Version)
During installation the controller must be programmed to lock the TV transmitters. The product is
backwards compatible with all other brands of transmitters so there will be a total of five different
programming modes. In each mode the receiver will automatically scroll through the frequency
bandwidth and “lock-in” the transmitters. Due to spurious emissions and possible missed transmitters,
a manual mode that enables the installer to select individual transmitter channels (each channel is a
designated frequency) and “lock” or “erase” any given channel is also provided.
NOTE: 863MHz version will only have three program modes P-1 for MYE and P-2 for Enercise /
Cardio Theater and P-3 to Audeon.
1: To enter transmitter program mode: Press CHANNEL DOWN and VOLUME UP buttons
simultaneously for three seconds. After three seconds the unit will enter program mode.
DISPLAY- “P-1” will pop up on the display after 3 seconds.
2: To select program mode press CH “+” to select one of the program modes.
DISPLAY (900MHz) P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5
P-1 = MYE Entertainment Transmitter Mode
P-2 = Cardio Theater LCS Mode
P-3 = Cardio Theater / Enercise xTV Mode
P-4 = BroadcastVision Mode Series 1
P-5 = BroadcastVision Mode Series 2
DISPLAY (863MHz) P-1, P-2, P-3
P-1 = MYE Entertainment 800MHz Transmitter Mode
P-2 = Cardio Theater 800 / Enercise 800
P-3 = Audeon 800
3: To automatically scan and “lock-in” transmitters press the HIDDEN KEY under the MYE logo.
DISPLAY- will show transmitter numbers being scanned in order of frequencies (1, 2, and 3, etc., up
to 32 or 52 for the 900MHz). The total number of channels will correspond to the program mode
When Scan is complete the controller will default to the first transmitter channel that was found.
CHAN Icon illuminates
TV (transmitter) Number illuminates
Note: the auto scan may be skipped and the installer may go directly to the manual scan (step 4) by
pressing the EQ button instead of pressing the HIDDEN KEY under the MYE logo.
4: The installer may now scroll through all channels to determine if a transmitter was missed or a
spurious emission was picked up. Then “add or delete” a specific transmitter number.
Press CHANNEL UP/DOWN buttons to scroll through all TV (transmitter) numbers within the specified
transmitter mode. Example: Cardio Theater xTV Mode will scroll through a total of 32 channels (each
channel directly relates to a specific frequency).
DISPLAY- PRESET Icon will appear when a specific transmitter channel is programmed. When a
particular transmitter channel is not programmed the PRESET Icon will not appear.