User Manual MN032006EN
Effective December 2017
415U Condor-long-range
wireless I/O and gateway
EATON www.eaton.com
The ELPRO 415U Ethernet Networking I/O and Gateway is a multiple
I/O node that extends communications to sensors and actuators in
local, remote, or difficult to reach locations. Designed to work with
wired and wireless devices, the ELPRO 415U is capable of providing
IP-based I/O across sprawling industrial environments typical of
industrial applications.
The 415U can serve as an end node or network gateway andis
scalable to thousands of nodes. Gather-scatter and block mapping
technology offers the efficient use of network resources, allowing
point-to-point transfer of process signal within complex monitoring
and control systems. Integrated Modbus
server capability allows
further I/O expansion through the use of ELPRO 115S expansion
The module can monitor the following types of signals:
Digital (on/off) signals, such as a contact closure or switch
Analog (continuously variable) signals, such as tank level, motor
speed, or temperature
Pulsed signal, frequency signals, such as metering, accumulated
total, or rainfall
Internal signals, such as supply voltage, supply failure, or
battery status
The modules monitor the input signals and transmit the values
by radio or Ethernet cabling to another module (or modules) that
have been configured to receive this information. The 415U-2 radio
is available in models to support both unlicensed and licensed
operation depending on your country. Refer to section [“Radio”
on page 6] for more detail on radio options.
Input signals that are connected to the module are transmitted and
appear as output signals on other modules. A transmission occurs
whenever a change of state (COS) occurs on an input signal. A COS
of a digital or an internal digital input is a change from “off” to “on,”
or a change from “on” to “off.” For an analog input, internal analog
input, or pulse input rate, a COS is a configurable value referred
to as sensitivity. The default sensitivity is 1000 counts (3%), but
you can change this value using the sensitivity block configuration
pagein the MConfig utility, as described in “MConfig utility” on
page 16.
In addition to COS messages, update messages are automatically
transmitted on a configurable time basis. These updates ensure
system integrity. Pulse inputs counts are accumulated and the
totalcount is transmitted regularly according to the configured
update time.
The 415U modules transmit the input/output data using radio or
Ethernet. The data frame includes the address of the sending
module and the receiving module, so that each transmitted message
is acted upon only by the correct receiving unit. Each message
includes error checking to ensure that no corruption of the data
frame has occurred due to noise or interference. The module with
the correct receiving address will acknowledge the message with a
return transmission (acknowledgment). If the original module does
not receive a correct acknowledgment, it will retry multiple times
before setting the communications status of that message to “fail.”
For critical messages, this status can be reflected on an output on
the module for alert purposes. The module will continue to try to
establish communications and retry each time an update or
COS occurs.
The 415U comes from the factory with ELPRO WIB, Modbus
TCP/RTU and DNP3 protocols as standard. WIB protocol provides
powerful enhanced features, including IP addressing and it allows
thousands of modules to exist in a system. Modbus TCP and DNP3
protocols provide a standards-based interface to a multitude of
commercially available controls systems, including PLCs, DCS,
A system can be a complex network or a simple pair of modules.
Aneasy-to-use configuration procedure allows you to specify any
output destination for each input. Each 415U device can have up
to 19 expansion I/O modules (ELPRO 115S) connected by RS-485
twisted pair cable. Any input signal at any module may be configured
to appear at any output on any module in the entire system.
The units can be configured using the CConfig utility via Ethernet,
remotely over the radio, or USB. Advanced users may configure the
units by accessing the internal Web pages using a Web browser.
TheCConfig utility is described in “CConfig utility” on page 16.
For Web-based configuration, see “Configuring using the embedded
Web Configuration Utility” on page 49.
ote:N 415U Series product versions
In August 2017, we extended the 415U-2 product range with the
introduction of the 415U Condor series. These modules support
wider temperature range, higher radio transmit power and faster
radio throughput. These products are compatible with earlier 415U-
2-H and 415U-2-L products, but have different thermal requirements.
Refer to the separate Manual MN032002EN for detail of the earlier
415U-2-H and 415U-2-L products.
Model code Description Details
415U-2-L-FFF-B First Generation. Low power
radio 10-500mW
Suitable for Hazardous
No Thermal De-rating required.
Operating temp -30°C to +60°C
IEC Ex / ATEX Zone 2
UL Class 1 Div 2
415U-2-H-FFF-B First Generation. High power
radio 500mW - 5W
Refer 415U-2-H user manual
MN032002EN for De-rating
Operating temp -30°C to +60°C
415U-2-CF Second Generation 415U. High
power radio 10mW - 10W
Refer to thermal De-rating
charts in this manual.
Operating temp -40°C to +70°C
415U-E-CF Second Generation 415U. High
power radio 10mW - 10W.
Modem version with Reduced
I/O count
Refer De-rating charts in this
Operating temp -40°C to +70°C
415U-2-CF-EX Second Generation 415U-2.
Reduced radio power 10mW
- 2W
Suitable for Hazardous
Refer De-rating charts in this
Operating temp -40°C to +70°C
IEC Ex / ATEX Zone 2
UL Class 1 Div 2
415U-E-EF-EX Second Generation 415U.
Reduced radio power 10mW
- 2W. Modem version with
Reduced I/O count
Suitable for Hazardous
Refer De-rating charts in this
Operating temp -40°C to +70°C
IEC Ex / ATEX Zone 2
UL Class 1 Div 2
FFF Frequency Band for first Generation – Indicates the Center of
20MHz tuning band
B Modulation Bandwidth for first Generation W – 25kHz, N – 12.5kHz
F Frequency Band for Second Generation product. –C3 indicates 340
to 400Mhz tuning band. –C4 indicates 400 to 480MHz tuning band.