There is a risk assumed by individuais who use this type of equipment. To minimize risk, plea.se
follow these rules:
1. Consult your physician before beginning any.exer6ise program.
2. Inspect equipment daily;. Tighten all loose connections and replace worn parts immediately.
~ Failure to.do so may result i.n serious injury.
3. Dc~ not allow minors or children to play on or around this equipment.
4. Exercise with care to avoid injury. -
5. If unsure Of proper use of equ’ipment, call your local ParaBody distributor or call the
ParaBody customer servic’edepartment
at (800) 328.-9714.
Please note=
¯ Thank you for purchasing the ParaBody 350 home gym. Please read the.,;e instructions
thoroughly and keep them for future reference. Paragody strongly recommends two adults
for product assembly. This product must be assembled on a flat, level surface to assure its
proper fuhction. .’..
We recommend cleaning your product ~[pads and frame) on a regular basis, using warm
soapy Water. -Tou~h-’up painL can b4 p-~T~ha--3-6-d-fro,m your P~,~-aBDdycu!;tomer ser~i~e
represefftative at (800) 328-9714.
Rubber mallet or hammer ¯ Adjustable wrench
3/4" wrench
® 7/16" wrench
9/16" wrench ,, 5/32" hex key
Ratchet with 3/4" and 9/16" sockets ,, Tape measure
’~/4 ~/4 1/4 3/4 ~ I/4
Part #66.03701
R~visiO~: 11,123197