S4S (Surfaced 4 Sides), Square (S4S)
S2E (Surfaced 2 Sides, Eased Edge)
S4S is commonly used to cap risers on staircases, but can be used in
many other ways. S4S moulding is usually thicker than a lattice moulding,
but can be used to make lattice panels for privacy screens on patios and
fences. It can also be used to conceal joints or as a decorative moulding at
the edge of an interior corner, to cover a space between two cabinets or
around edges to give a finished look. A square S4S is most commonly
installed where the wall touches the ceiling, and is used behind crown
moulding as a hangar. Or, it can be installed along a wall as a rail, and
cabinets hung on it. It can be used separately, or used in combination with
other mouldings.
Many S4S mouldings are mainly for interior use, but, if being used
outdoors, it is recommended to stain or prime and paint this moulding after
installation with an exterior grade product to protect the wood from splitting
and cracking which occurs naturally over time when exposed to the exterior
For installation, pre-drill holes in the moulding before nailing, to help the
wood from splitting. Use finish nails and glue.