brightness setting is displayed in percent on the display and can range from
0% up to the panel brightness setting.
o Panel dim time +/- are for changing the duration in seconds before the
panel brightness changes to the dimmed setting.
o Microphone enables the microphone while the button is pressed. The
microphone is disabled again when the button is released. The page preset is
selected while the button is pressed.
Zone and Amp / Preamp are used in combination with the class if appropriate. It is
not necessary to set the zone for every button on a page, in which case the selection
can just be set to “(page)” and the zone can be set in the page properties. However
a zone can be explicitly set in the button to override the page’s zone for controlling
multiple zones within a single page.
Overlay X / Y and Auto is used for positioning the overlay image within the button.
The overlay image is usually smaller than the button image itself and therefore
requires positioning to place it in the desired position. The “Auto” selection simply
places the overlay image in the button centre. See Button Image Components for
more information on overlay images.
Global is used for making the button appear in every page. This is useful if all the
pages have some buttons in common, such as for navigation or volume control, etc.
The individual instances of the buttons can be edited or deleted after the global
setting has been set.
Sound is for overriding the “Standard action sound” under settings and for playing a
specific sound when a button is pressed. A sound can be dragged or copied from a
sound gallery into the field or directly onto the button in the designer. A context
menu is displayed when the field is clicked with the right mouse button providing
editing functions and sound playback.
Actions define commands that are executed for a variety of press and release
events. Commands can be dragged & dropped or copied into one of the action fields
or dropped directly onto the button in the designer. A context menu is displayed
when one of the action fields are clicked with the right mouse button providing
editing functions. The following action types are available:
o Primary / short press is the command that is executed when the button is
pressed. If the long press action is defined, this action becomes the
command for short presses, i.e. when the button is held for less time than
the long press duration.
o Long press is the command that is executed when the button is held longer
than the long press duration. The command is executed as soon as the long
press duration has elapsed.
o Release is the command that is executed when the button is released.
The following types of objects can be used in button actions:
o Infra-red commands will be transmitted as long as the button is held. Note
that if a short press or a release action is used, the IR-command may not be
transmitted for long enough to register. In this case a macro can instead be
used to transmit the command with a specific number of repeats. IR-
commands can be dragged from a command database into buttons or their
action fields. If a button is programmed with an IR-command or with a
macro containing an IR-command and the button is assigned to a button
class which also transmits an IR-command, the class's IR-command will be
transmitted last. IR-commands may be used in combination with a device for