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103876AE 11/06 Original © 2006 ADC Telecommunications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Quality patch cords and cross-connect cables in various configurations and lengths
Description Ordering Number
Patch Cord Start-up Kits
9’ Midsize to midsize patch cord-RG59 Cable PCH-MMXB-009D
3’ Midsize to midsize patch cord -RG59 Cable PCH-MMXB-003
6’ Midsize to midsize patch cord -RG59 Cable PCH-MMXB-006
10’ Midsize to midsize patch cord -RG59 Cable PCH-MMXB-010
3’ BNC to BNC cross-connect cable-dual 735 cable XCC-BBXD-003
6’ BNC to BNC cross-connect cable-dual 735 cable XCC-BBXD-006
12’ BNC to BNC cross-connect cable-dual 735 cable XCC-BBXD-012
15’ BNC to BNC cross-connect cable-dual 735 cable XCC-BBXD-015
20’ BNC to BNC BNC to BNC cross-connect cable-dual 735 cable XCC-BBXD-020
25’ BNC to BNC cross-connect cable-dual 735 cable XCC-BBCD-025
75 OHM midsize termination plug CP150IN
25 Pack red ground circuit plugs CJP-M-Red
75 OHN BNC termination plug BNC-3
BNC insertion/removal tool BT2000
BNC installation kit BNC-TOOL-1
Bulk Equipment Cable
Bulk cable-735 single 3AC-BB
Bulk cable-735 dual 3AC-2BB
Bulk cable-735 6 pack 3AC-6BB
Bulk cable-735 12 pack 3AC-12BB
O r d e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n